seized bender transfer rods


New member
May 2, 2003
fort mcmurray alberta
my bender transfer rods will no longer adjust,has anyone else ever had this happen??quick fix??i'm soaking them in wd40 to se if they free up
also what exactly does that set screw on the side of them do?? :roll:
I had this happen after 1 year of using them...I hate those damn things...yes soak them and then take them apart and change the o-rings. The set screw on the side will have to be removed in order to take them apart.
bender rods

I have some bender ts3 rods and they have froze twice on me in past past two years. I just took a wrench and freed them, this will scuff the metal of the grips. Those rods were more expensive then all the other brands and they freeze up. Anyone who is thinking about buying them, dont, buy another brand.
Buster696 had a set of the TS3 rods freeze and I took them home heated them with MAPP gas not oxy/acy. I put them in the big vise and put a leather glove under a pipe wrench and I got both to open up. The "O" rings are standard. You can get them from Home Depot. I then sand blasted the inerworkings because of all the rust, and used 000 steel wool to polish. I put on new "O" rings and lubed them all up. They are like new now. You must clean all the old crap out of them. His looked like a rusty milk shake inside. Doug
