93 exciter 2 sx suspension problem


Sep 9, 2006
after a hard landing the suspension collapsed. running boards right to the snow and stayed there. Got it unstuck but suspension is softer and will collapse with any sizable bump. Removed the suspension ,after a 50 mile ride home in that condition,and have found nothing broke or out of place.Thought about the rear shock being blown but all seems normal there. If it were a bad shock would it allow the suspension to over travel? Im at a loss. Any one experience this before?Any thoughts please

No broken springs.Shock looks to be unbroken.I can not find any thing broken. I think the shocks are kyb gas charged stock from yamaha. Could the shock loose its gas without lossing oil? There is no sings of oil leek.I dont know how to explain th suspension collapse any better. Its softer and with a good bump the rear of the sled drops to the snow and actually gets stuck there.I have to stand on the track and lift the tunnel and it will then sit at normal height. The suspension is out of the sled so I have no picture. I cant duplicate the condition with I out of the machine.
The skid needs to be taken apart, cleaned and re-lubed. It stays compressed because there is no lube in the cross-shafts, and by your second post, it is mostly the shafts that mount it to the tunnel. They should spin by hand inside the arms. They should all be taken apart and cleaned/lubed though.
