Are hand guards worth it?

vMaxed Out

New member
Jan 7, 2008
Appleton, WI
I am looking at buying hand guards but am having second thoughts. Are they really worth the money? I maily trail ride so I would need them to help block the wind and keep my hands protected from the roost of the sled infront of me. Do they help keep your hands warmer? Or are they more for looks?
if you wanna keep yor hands warmer use the guantlets , I always carry a pair when riding in extreme cold, there use is priceless!
Yes, they are worth it. They deffinitely block the wind and debris = great protection.
The down side is sometimes you have to trim down the windy or adjust the handlebars so that the guards dont hit.
Definitely worth having if your hands are in the wind. I have the bars up above the windshields on both my sleds and need guards to protect hands/knuckles from the wind blast. If your hands are still below the windshield in the stock position you may not need them.
I was going to try and go with out the guards (didn't really want to spend more money on a new sled), but after a few rides on the new sled ... I had to put them on! I think they really help block the wind ... I usually get cold finger tips so I adjust my gaurds lower.
Even if they dont block the wind much, I've had many times where I'd come around a corner on a trail that didnt get brushed out very well and there were branches hanging low because of the snow on them. The gaurds work good to keep the branches from hitting your fingers. Also before I had gaurds, I had junks of ice fly up at me when another sled passes, either going the same direction or the opposite, and hit me right square in my finger tips and man does it hurt. So, wind protection or none, I think they are worth it.
I do not think they block much air for me. My hands still get cold. They do block tree limbs and other things that would other wise hit your hands. I have the stock bars at the stock height, I had to cut my windshield so the the guards would not hit while turning.

I just tried a set last weekend on my Vector. With the Nytro bar and riser on it, my hands were cold. The hand guards blocked enough wind that my fingers stayed warmer on a 300 mile ride.
They work ok for keeping your fingers warmer, but they shine when you are off trail riding, keeping brush and sticks away from your hands. I've also found that they help from getting the start/stop plunger broken off when off traill boondocking, done that a couple times now and since I have put on my handguards, no problems.
