Do shields for our helmets have gas in them or air?


New member
Jan 5, 2006
Cadillac, Michigan
I was just wondering whether these shields have some kind of gas in them? Or do they just have air in them? I could have swore I read somewhere that they have something in them other than air, but I may have bumped my head too... :rofl: Anyone know? I'm talking about HJC and what about those BV2S helmets? A friend of mine has one of those BV2S and he messed the shield up and it came apart. He had to glue the halves back together in a spot or two and now it fogs BAD. That's when I remembered that I thought I had read something about this.
That's a good question. I am only guessing here. I would say there is just air between the lenses. Not sure if the lenses are really sealed good enough to hold in gas. Is there a gas that would be safe to use around electricity like an electric shield for instance. Your buddies shield could have had an anti-fog coating that was contaminated when the shield came apart.

Yama49601 said:
Ok thanks for the replies.
your buds shied is toast.i bought a new gmax last years and same thing happened ,fogging and iceing.took to dealer and they replaced as they said mine was defective from the getgo.has never iced or fogged for whats in between its air.
