2002 ProAction Viper Suspension tips???


New member
Nov 8, 2005
Well, I busted my suspension and I'm looking for tips on removal and installation. The last time I did this job, I had a beooch of a time trying to get it back in.
My W Bar busted at the front of the tunnel and I'm hoping that I can just weld it back together.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

You need to remove the bolts from the transfer rods or loosen them way up. You put the bolts in for the front, then the rear then put the center ones in. I haven't had mine out in about 2 years but I had no problems getting it back in this way. It was fairly easy really.
move your axle forward, set your fra in the softest(upper)setting, loosen your lower transfer rod bolts. with the sled lifted, remove the middle bolts, then let the sled down and remove the rear then the front.
install with the same settings, in the reverse order.
