What is the easiest way to drain water from the crankcase on a 98' SRX? There's a skidplate on the sled so I wanted to find out if there's a drain plug before I drill out the rivet. I didn't find any info in the service manual, so any help would be appreciated.
No, there is not a drain plug on the crankcase.
Active member
turn it upside down and pull it over?
blue missile
New member
water in the crankcase? did someone go swimming? if so dont forget about the chain case.
No, didn't go swimming, the cover got blown off during a storm and water seaped through the cold air kit. What will I need to do when I turn it upside down, can I just put it on its side or what. This ever happen to anybody else?
remove carbs and reads, use a small hose taped to a vaccum. suck it out
Active member
There is drain holes in the bottom of the air box.