Need Rhino advice


Mar 14, 2005
Looking at picking up a Rhino. I have found what seems to be a decent deal on an 07 660 for $7000 with 135hrs. of use. Real good shape just typ. scuffs and things.

Does this sound like a good deal. Since I won't be using it for about 3 months, do you think I will find just as good or better deal then? Or should I jump on this one? Is one year better than another?

wait until the 700 FI's start hitting the dealerships - I have not seen one hit the local dealership yet - once they get enough to put on the floor, you will start seeing more for sale and as trades.
Do people actually upgrade with these like they do with snowmobiles? Just seems like there isn't that much of a change or need to trade up.
Zachalyse said:
Do people actually upgrade with these like they do with snowmobiles? Just seems like there isn't that much of a change or need to trade up.

Id have to fully agree with your statement above. Just look at the used Utility atv's, you prolly see triple or more the amount of sport quads than you do utility FS. Most people that buy utility quads are normally looking to keep them for a while or possibly forever cause as long as they cared for theyll run forever. My dads still has are first quad ever, its a 85 Suzuki LT250 2wd, which the odometer has turned over and its reading over 2000mi but it really over 12,000 miles. Which 8000mi or so were put on by our family friend(orginal owner) who is a tree farmer so all those miles were work vs our 4000mi of mostly play. All its ever gotten was a clutch rebuild and oil/filter changes when ever ness.

Id have to say thats a OK deal on that Rhino 135 hours is nothing but what the mileage?
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Did anybody see the ad on tv about some law firm looking for people that have been injured rideing or driveing a rhino?Not saying they are crap but i remember a budys daughter got hurt when she turned to sharpe and put her arm out when it went on its side.
A snowmobile is more dangerous. Round a corner on sled to fast and see what happens.
That price seems really good to me. The 700 is MUCH better but at a cost. You can not believe how these things rule in the desert and the dunes. They are everywhere. There are a lot of forums so you may want to check them.
Zachalyse said:
A snowmobile is more dangerous. Round a corner on sled to fast and see what happens.
I disagree. My father in law had one for a while and that was one of the big fears if it turned over you need to remember to keep your limbs in. Those are very big and heavy machines. They have seatbelts but say you taking that corner too fast and fall into a brook with just enough water to drown you. Have fun trying to get you seatbelt unbuckled and then youd need a crane to lift the thing off from you. Id rather take the corner with a snowmobile or a 4 wheeler that you can eject from. Just a thought.
YAMAHIZAL700 said:
Id rather take the corner with a snowmobile or a 4 wheeler that you can eject from. Just a thought.

And send your body flying into a tree.
I would say 256 is low mileage for one year. I bought a Grizzly in April of 06 and I now have just over 700 miles on it. I use it for deer season and for plowing, and I think I have very low miles on mine.
