St Germain Wi.?


New member
Jan 12, 2005
Looking into your collective crystal balls.. Will the St. Germain area be ridable this weekend, actually starting on Thur. I finally get to take my first trip of the season, and it's getting warm again.
I see no reason why not. Its supposed to be warm today, but they are also supposed to get 2-5" by Tuesday night and if you look at the 10-day forecast, they are talking snow just about every day and temps in the 20s.
My advice would be avoid the main trails. Try riding the loop trails that are just off of the 1-way trails, those are usually the best. Also, avoid riding in Eagle River and Minocqua. They get the most traffic and their trails are often the most hammered. Instead, try heading west and northwest, more towards Sayner.
yeah, trails anywhere near there were awesome for the last 2 weeks.

My dad is going up this weekend and was up all last week, and I will be going up the following weekend. today through this AM will be warm, but the trails took it ok today due to cloudy weather, and little to no rain. Plus, as said by bakemono, 2-5" of fresh snow tomorrow and more though the entire week will get them perfect again.

Now if you don't have studs, the corners may be a little slippery
This may help your cause. Band looks to be moving north. Check out


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We rode St Germain 3 weeks ago right before the big melt. It was good. We are leaving for Three Lakes Thursday night. :letitsnow
My dad is going up tonight, with the Venture. He is there to oversee some work on the cabin, but he will get out on the sled as well.

I willl report here about trail conditions.

Yesterday it onlly got up to 30 degrees in Tomahawk, and only 39 on monday, with no rain, and clouds so the trails did not take much of a hit.
