'98 xs600 compression


Jan 17, 2005
central minnesota
buddy called tonight and asked if I knew stock compression on his '98 xs600. Think its too low after he just installed new rings. Although he has not fired the sled up and when through the heat cycles to seat the rings.
can anyone tell me what the stock comp is to be?
I just checked my records(to be accurate)my last time i did my C/T
was last year(3,000 miles)it had 130 psi on both, same engine(twin)
as your buddy's

he'll need to do it AFTER she's broke in with some good miles under it
to be the most accurate.

test @ opp temp throttle WO..

anything around 120 would be good...
Thanks....yes test after seated is the best. right now he said it was 97psi and that seamed really low to me. hell my little sr292 is around 140!

what about ring gap standard?
wow he did put the rings in??? lol j/k

r/e/g is top--0.45-0.60mm(0.0178-0.024in)

daman said:
I wish him luck....

ouch, I would never try used rings.... used pistons Ok, and used cylinders ok, but used rings... why bother?

that is like wasting a good set of gaskets IMHO

did he use used gaskets as well?;)

my 97 600 twin with 6k on it pulls 125 per cylinder.
horkn said:
ouch, I would never try used rings.... used pistons Ok, and used cylinders ok, but used rings... why bother?

that is like wasting a good set of gaskets IMHO

did he use used gaskets as well?;)

my 97 600 twin with 6k on it pulls 125 per cylinder.
I think he ment rings/pistons are new?,just cyl's are used..
daman said:

I meant after it has been run a little bit.:)

I dont think i ahve ever tested compression immediately after rebuilding a motor. I usually wait until its been run a bit. that is provided it felt like it has more compression from the recoil perspective....

97psi is a good 20-30 psi lower than what it should be.
