Well Just got home, Early, But I'm here!


Wishing for snow!
Dec 2, 2006
Hamilton, Ont
Well guys,

I just arrived home. The PI pipes are great! Time to rebuild the silencers! But otherwards very loud and I got tons of looks of the trail. Weither they were good or not I dont know, LOL! But the sled is over revving 300 rpm. And the jetting is good, but................... I did have a few break downs. I broke the ski handle then the tip of the ski. I took the heavy srx off a few jumps, and on my last jump landed on a rock! The trailing arm bent, and now the thing has cracks in it! But I will be fixing it all up! we did 350miles in 1 full days and two noon-5pm days. So about 2 full days of riding!

Everything was great minus the above. But four of us went and all of us came home with problems! Even the new 08 apex ltx-gt (40th edition) had a bad reverse grind!

You will get a ticket for those pipes.It sucks but true....no aftermarket pipes or can allowed in ontario.There is a race this weekend in alliston if you want to run her give me a pm.
Yeah the ticket will come soon, But I passed a few trail police. But we'll see. I won't be running the SRX much more this yar. I have to get the ski, and trailing arm figured out first. But I owuld love to run her.
