Track Replacement On A 03 Viper Er

Viper XC

Sorry, but I disagree. You cant get a 1 1/4 track in a viper with 9 tooth drivers unless you remove the tunnel protection or trim the track. You can fit a 1.5" track without protection. 1.75 is just too tight.

Madmatt said:
Sorry, but I disagree. You cant get a 1 1/4 track in a viper with 9 tooth drivers unless you remove the tunnel protection or trim the track. You can fit a 1.5" track without protection. 1.75 is just too tight.

^^^^ What he said ^^^^
Why wastee your time and money,I bought a camoplast ice claw the best way to go when installing a viper tract
Madmatt said:
Sorry, but I disagree. You cant get a 1 1/4 track in a viper with 9 tooth drivers unless you remove the tunnel protection or trim the track. You can fit a 1.5" track without protection. 1.75 is just too tight.


I have a 1.25 lug predator in my 04 Viper ER with stock 9 tooth drivers. Mine rubbed the protectors very slightly when first installed. It was more of an alignment issue than too tall. Now that the track has been on there a while (~250 miles) it doesn't rub at all. It didn't wear into the track. My track has factory groves where the protectors are. The groves are about 1/8 wider and shallower than the protectors. The tallest lug on the track is probably 3/4" from the front cooler. If it wasn't so darn cold out I would wander out to the garage and take a picture.

My riding partner has an 03ER he also runs a 1.25 lug with stock 9 tooth drivers. His doesn't rub either. I can't be sure if he has protectors or not. I just don't recall... I think his does as it was the sled I used as a fit reference when I ordered mine.

So I am guessing it depends on the track...
i installed a camo 9818 in my viper and it would have rubbed no questions asked if i did not have the protectors or it would have rubbed badly, on my wifes sled i put a ripsaw in and again withoug removing protectors and it was to tight, took the track off and took out the protectors. save yourself some time and just take them out if you are not running studs.
Here ya go. Pictures speak volumes. The track is a 1.25 Predator 6 Pitch. I purchased it from richmotorsports. It has not been modified in anyway. At least not by me. I will assume Rich didn't do anything to it. With the help of my neighbor I installed it last fall. The only thing changed on the drive shaft was replacement bearings. The drivers are stock. You can see the notches I spoke of. You can also see the clearance on the protectors. You can also see the wear marks where it first rubbed on install. The track sat a little off to one side when I first ran it. You can see it has aligned. I think you can also see if the notches were not there the track would rub slightly. I wanted to leave the protectors on to keep my options open in the future. You can also see that I rushed to take the pics. Although it has warmed up to 20* here. :)


how is your slide wear, because it looks like your track would have to be real tight not to balloon and rub.
I have my track tension as loose as it will go. The nuts on the adjusters have about 1 thread pitch exposed. Maybe not even that much. When the back of the sled is supported the track hangs a bit less than an inch. I can't say my slide wear is excessive, but I don't know that I would have noticed it yet. I have hopes the track will loosen more.

OK, so you have a 1 1/4 track that is notched. Yes, there is an exception to every situation. I would point out thought that it is too damn close to those front heat exchanger protectors and it does rub......whether you realize it or not. It is just foolish to leave them in there if you are not going to run studs. You are loosing efficiency.

Madmatt said:
OK, so you have a 1 1/4 track that is notched. Yes, there is an exception to every situation. I would point out thought that it is too damn close to those front heat exchanger protectors and it does rub......whether you realize it or not. It is just foolish to leave them in there if you are not going to run studs. You are loosing efficiency.


Nothing personal, I shouldn't have quoted you in my first post, sorry... Not calling anyone out or anything like that. Just posted about my configuration as it sits. I posted about the only two sleds with 1.25" tracks I have dealt with. I pointed that out in my post.

I actually don't think the new track (notch) sits all that much closer to the protectors than the stock track (no notch)? I measured from the track to the top of the notch on the 1.25 and track to the top of the lug on the stock track. It is about the same. I would think the 136" track would balloon more on braking and thus have a tendency to rub more on braking. But I would also think that under acceleration the track would be pulled tight at the protectors?

Why did they put the protectors on there in the first place? Everyone says it is to run studs? Yet both the owners manual and the maintenance manual says not to run studs.

Anyway, bottom line, I left mine in to keep my options open. I stated that in the earlier post. I am still a little torn on the whole stud issue. I would really like to put my sled up against all the others in the ice drags and see how fast it really is. But I see that as the only time studs would be useful to me.

Once the protectors are ripped out they are out right? No turning back unless you are set up to weld aluminum? The guy that helped me with my track and I discussed this when we put the track in. He initially thought I should remove them. After we talked about it for a while we agreed that we should leave them in. So there they sit. :)
jeep, if your comfortable with it thats all that matters. Just something to keep in mind or keep an eye on. The track looks like the 9818 or now called i believe the 9860 and if it is i also believe every third window closed, if this is true and you track is kept as tight as you say, unless you are running in perfect conditions (lots of loose snow) you will burn your sliders really fast. Like matt said you will be loosing some big time effeciency once the track stretches a little and starts rubbing or you have to keep tightening. anyways good luck hope it works for you.
