Just wanted you guys to know that I did the darting mod to my SXR last weekend and it's the best time I had riding since I got it 3 years ago. I wished I wouldn't have waited so long. I used some old pieces of hyfax and stuck them in there with some gorilla glue. Lost a little bit of cornering, but I could actually ride without fighting the sled all day feeling like I was going to be twitched into the woods. Hard to believe a couple little pieces of plastic could make such a huge difference.
New member
Yep..works pretty good.
vMaxed Out
New member
how did you do this mod? I want to do the same to my sled but I'm not sure how.
New member
http://www.totallyamaha.com/snowmobiles/aaTECH/Ski_Alignment/Ski_Bumber_Shim.htmMikesVMAX said:how did you do this mod? I want to do the same to my sled but I'm not sure how.
vMaxed Out
New member
thanks. What exactly is darting? I want to make sure this is what my sled is doing. This is my first sled so I'm trying to get familiar with everything
New member
I'ts when your sled want's to follow other sled's track's,a jerking side to side.
try a few tricks below and the sled will handle, ride and track better than new.
Yup it really works. I just took some old hyfaxes and cut off the part that wraps around the rail on the skid with a chop saw and ended up with a flat piece of plastic a little less than a 1/4 in thick. Oh, I did check the toe out first and it was good.
New member
I did it to my VMaxER. I did however find it very difficult to back up after. In reverse the carbides really dig in and will pull the bars right out of my hands. But still worth it to be able to ride down the trail in a straight line without fighting it the whole time.
New member
JeepTherapy said:I did it to my VMaxER. I did however find it very difficult to back up after. In reverse the carbides really dig in and will pull the bars right out of my hands. But still worth it to be able to ride down the trail in a straight line without fighting it the whole time.
what skis are on the vmaxER?