Cruiserfest, Minocqua WI!!


Site Admin/CEO
Staff member
Apr 25, 2003
Weston WI
2008 Cruiserfest
Friday Feb. 8th & Saturday Feb. 9th, 2008

Downtown Minocqua & on Lake Minocqua
Friday, February 8th,

Snowmobile Parade ( Everyone welcome!!) 6:15pm Start Food, Drinks & Bon Fire at "The Thirsty Whale" 6:30-8:30 PM (Sponsored by the Minocqua Island Business Association & "The Thirsty Whale"

American Legion Hall 121 Front Street, Across from Minocqua Post Office.
~Pancake Breakfast 8-11am
~Brat & Chili Feed 11am-6pm
~Craft Show 8-3pm
~Huge Silent Auction 8am-9pm
~DJ "Wolfman" music/dancing 7pm-11pm
Raffle & door prizes all night

On Lake Minocqua Between Thirsty Whale & Bosacki's Radar Runs: by Illinois Valley Winter Sports Club of Marseilles Il.
Registration: 9:30am ~ Races 10:30am 26 Classes (Hard pack and Ice) $250.00 Fastest speed of the day run at 3:00pm plus Trophies Groomer rides and Food Available Snowmobile Demo Rides
St. Germain Snowmobile Hall of Fame Vintage riders coming.
I was thinking about it. I think there are some races here at my place on the 10th, tho???
Not sure on that date.

No trophies here, would be nice if my sled could win me something though. lmao
pro116 said:
I will be there for shure.
Anyone else going?

I will be there for shure. I have been to every one except the first year, and I don't plan on changing that.

I should have the Venture, So I should be easy to spot.

I def will be demoing the new Nytro, and whatever else I can demo as well. Last year I demo'd the attak, and the phazer FX, and I demo'd the RS rage 3 years ago. 2 years ago the line was so long for Yami that I demo'd an IQ 600.

I think I may need to demo an apex ltx since the ride is apparently that much better from last years attak.

and I will need to demo a 700 switchback, or any other special machinery polaris decides to bring that is not an 08, but a pre production 09. That was how the IQ600 was, it was essentially an 08 IQ shift in burnt orange metallic, just 2 model years in advance. They had a whole fleet of these test mules that had no serial #'s.
Plus that year they had the apex there before it was leaked anywhere else. pretty cool stuff huh?

Add in the radar runs, the food and beer, and it is a great time.

I will have a co worker stop in as well, who happens to have the exact same polaris as I do. He has always wanted to go to Cruiserfest as well.
I'll be there. Im planning on demo riding some new sleds. Id really like to try out a Polaris FST and a Cat Jag Z1R. If not, Id be happy trying out an IQ 600 HO.
I demo rode an FX Nytro last spring at the Geneva snocross, plus Ive ridden just about every 4-stroke sled Yamaha has ever made, so Im not too interested in riding any Yamahas this year. I wouldnt mind trying out a Polaris or Cat 4-stroker though.
Im also going to be at the radar runs in Fort Atkinson on Feb 10th. I plan on racing at that event. I dont know how well I will do with only 96 studs (and they are dull trail studs at that), but Im hoping to win stock 600.
If any of you are at the radar runs in Fort Atkinson on the 10th and see me there, dont be afraid to say, "hello".
I wont be too hard to spot. I will most likely be the only one with a red Polaris EDGE X that has tall handlebars, handguards and a Pro-X seat. I will be wearing a plain black modular helmet, orange Polaris jacket and black bibs.
Id like to see some Yamaha guys come out and mix it up a bit. The Sundowners races were cool, but it was pretty much dominated by Polaris'.
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polaris and yami have been the only ones to provide demo sleds up through last year. Hopefully that changes.

With skidoos ads, they should back up the talk with demo XP's.

I will have my red and black Arctiva jacket, Lazer MX helmet and goggles, so I am an easy person to spot. esp with that gear on a Venture LOL.

If I can convince the GF to drive the Venture, I will have my XC600SP. If so, I would love to run it in the radar run. Even though my motor is stock minus the SLP boost bottle, it goes extremely well for a little 600, and with 144 studs I think I have a good grip on things;)
question: we have a drag sled that we would like to run (Yamaha) and just found out about this fest. I can't find anyplace that has a room avalible for the week-end?? Anybody have any ideas where to find a place to stay??? Would like to run the drag sled but we need a place to stay!!!!
Would you be willing to drive over from Eagle River? If so, try Eagle Waters Resort. Tell them Bob from Chicago recommended it.
Aircraftman said:
just got back, good time!!!

Yeah, it was a good time.

I demo'd a couple Yamaha's. including the new Nytro XTX. If I were to buy a new sled it would be the xtx, based on the demo rides.
