Primary clutch rollers

I heard Mr. viper tell someone else on here that asked about lubricating clutch parts say no to lubrication. But I wonder if a graphite type material would work? as it is supposed to be a dry lubricant. T
This stuff can be used......

Use a graphite type spray, i use comet clutch spray,you can get it at
any aftermarket shop/catalog, good stuff i've been using it for many
years, coat all your rollers,pins, bush,etc....

I had the same problem with my 500. It got so bad I was going through rollers every 200 miles. I completely rebuilt the clutch 2 or 3 times and made sure the clutches were aligned & they still wore out. Finaly I put a whole new clutch on there and 100 miles down the trail, the rollers were shot again... I never did figure out what was wrong with that thing, so I said screw it and bought a viper. Hope yours doesnt do the same...

As far as the lube goes, my self & everyone I ride sprays triflo on any moving parts on the clutch. I think its teflon based.
hoffam19 said:
As far as the lube goes, my self & everyone I ride sprays triflo on any moving parts on the clutch. I think its teflon based.
Link?,,, for thos that want to read up....
You shouldn't use any kind of lubricant on clutches because of the fiber bushings in the rollers and weights and the sliding buttons. Just make sure they are blown out ( I do mine after every ride) and are completely cleaned at the end of every season. 500 twins are notorious for going through all of the bushings in the primary. Just my 2 cents.
Are your clutches set up properly?? Are you at the right RPM for a 500?

If you have excessive slippage you will be creating lots of belt dust (should be evidence of this). Belt dust is a really good abrasive which will wear out clutch components quickly.
To Lube Or Not To Lube That Is The Question

On the newer clutches it is highly recommended not to lube. The bushings are all self lubricating and adding anything to the clutch that may help attract more belt dust to the already problemsome area is just asking for more problems. Also think about the contact between the roller and the weight they are supposed to work together with no sliding between their contacts if you add lube to where they contact each other you may not let the weight turn the roller and may eventually cause a flat spot on one or the other.
