Stock springs for 2002 Vmax deluxe 600


New member
May 2, 2003
Hamilton, NJ
Can anyone tell me what the stock settings
Primary Spring
Secondary Spring
And twist was for the 2002 Yamaha vmax deluxe 600.

this sled since new has been burning belts. Whenever in deep or wet snow it will burn the belt. Engagement was at 3750 since day one. Dealer says thats normal and offered no help.

Has anyone else had this problem and what was the correction?
Sounds like it's time for a new dealer. find one with a race team, and they should know how to find their butt's with a flashlight at night!

You've got a couple problems probably, either center to center is off, deflection is off, or you're over revving so badly that the primary can't keep up with the motor.

Deep snow just makes the problem worse, and you're moving at slow speeds but with high rpm.

What rpm are you turning?
vmaxjohn said:
Sounds like it's time for a new dealer. find one with a race team, and they should know how to find their butt's with a flashlight at night!

What rpm are you turning?

Central NY dealer has a race team and they do quite a bit of performance work srx, vipers, and now RX1s. They are highly regarded int he area.

RPM at engagement is around 3750 and has been from the start.
Top end off the top of my head I think was 9200 but I cant remember.

How do you test center to center
Oh my god!

9200 is only 700 rpm over your peak rpm!

You've got so little belt squeeze that your motor is running away from the rest of the drivetrain!

Check out the set up of GanzSXR in the Tech Page. I had him post it this morning, good timing, eh!

You'll need to spend a little money and time tuning, but it's totally worth it. The 600 triple is a great motor with great potential, you've just got to harness the power you're making! Good luck!
I have the same sled 2002 v-max, 9200 rpm is what mine spun up to also. Stock springs are Yellow-green-yellow in primary, Red wound to 2-6 (80 degrees) in secondary, 8DG-17605-00 weights .8gr alu. rivet outer, 3.6gr. steel inner. 2000 miles still on the same belt.
Changed the outer rivets to 3.1 wound the spring to 60 and that brought the rpm down to 8500-8600. Ran out of snow and testing time. But I am taking the easy way and going with all the TY guys advice, called Rich a few days ago and ordered 8abs, 51/43 dalton helix and an assortment of weights. Parts should be here any day. Let the fine tunning begin.
Any suggestion on improving the gas milage on the triple 600, 11 mpg best I ever got. Thinking of adding a tempa flow??
Not over revving should help a ton with mpg! It's just wasting all that power. My 500 did the same thing, not quite as bad though.

I've seen 700 SXRs (with LARGE PEOPLE ON THEM) get 17mpg with a tempaflow, it's amazing. The 600 should be around 14-15 average when riding hard. A tempaflow jumps it up quite a bit. My 500 twin went from 11 to 14 in similar conditions. Good luck!
about that tempa flow. How did you get your baseline jetting for minimum temperature. Did you use the standard jetting chart that comes with your sled , or ?? Looking for a baseline of -20 to -25, going north of the border this year Ride mostly in Northern Wi. & U.P. :?:
SledderBob. I left my jetting stock, and that's what most folks do. If you're riding in -40*f weather, first of all, you're going to freeze your butt off! But you might want to jet up if you've got an '01 SRX, as those sleds came with better jetting for US riding than most yami's. I'm sure Turk could give you the skinny on that subject though.

Have you read how the Tempaflow works yet? It's pretty darn cool! It basically leans the mixutre by lowering the fuel pressure in the bowls, but it can't make it any richer than what the jets will allow.

In general, stock jetting+Tempaflow=safe for anywhere stock jetting is safe for. Yamaha's jetting charts tend to be pretty conservative, go figure.

There's a link to Holtzman Engineering from the TY links page, check it out! www.richmotorsports can get them to ya on the cheap. Good luck!

PS, I tuned the Tempaflow for cardboard brown for typical Michigan conditions, and it's been spot on. When in ontario last winter, riding in -15*f, the Tempaflow shut off, and I started getting worse milage. This tells me that it's doing what it's supposed to for the temps.
