Parts painting


VIP Lifetime Member
May 5, 2003
St George,New Brunswick,Canada
I painted the windage plates on my secondary after they started to get a bit dull and discolored,figured I'd dress them up a bit,but I'm having a sob of a time getting the paint to adhere.should clarify here that the paint is not running off or anything it's just when I bolt the plates back on the paint splits and comes off around the bolt holes.I sandblasted the plates so I know they are clean of all dirt and the surface is rough enough and was wiped down properly so the paint should stick.I used spray bomb paint but no primer just painted over the metal and I wonder if that's where I went wrong.The parts had lots of time to dry and cure the paint so it wasn't an issue with putting them back on too soon so what's the verdict will primer keep the paint from chipping when I bolt the windage plates on?
try powdercoating, or anodizing instead.

or mask around the holes so the bolt heads have no paint to chip off.
I was thinking about the powdercoat option but need to find someone here in New Brunswick that does it.I'll have a look at my local auto parts store and check to see if I can get the right primer otherwise I may just paint it again with old bolts stuck in the holes so I wont have to worry about the paint chipping off when I put it back on.
