fuel gage and hand warmers not working :(


Mar 3, 2007
the fuel gage and the hand/thumb warmer isnt working longer on my MM700.
The fuel gage now only shows full tank when engine is running. Have checked the fuel leveler that is in the tank, is has the correct ohm (had 5 to 90 ohm) and is not physichally stuck in any position.
Both the leveler and the tachometer only gets 5,8 Volt, suppose it should get 12 Volt. The tachometer is working.
Any thought what can cause this?
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norwegian: i am from Karasjok.

Pipdviper: i tried to measure it with another ground from chassie, was the same low voltage then too.

Tail lights are working, also the brake light is working.
Hi and low head light is working
tach light working
Hi beam indicator also working
speedometer light working

Didnt get to measure anything today, had so much to do today. have to try to do it tomorrow.
Mathis: I live in Karasjok as well and I also have a MM 01. We should compare our sleds some day. PS. I have the shop manual for that sled.
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Norw: i see your avatar is from the karasjok river :) we should do that some day.
Today i will try to figure out if the voltage regulator is damaged. Would the shop manual have some good info about my electrical problem?
seems to be some cable connection problem. Was driving and then the fuel meter
and the warmers suddently started working again... maybe it is the cable that goes under the motor that is damaged...
