How observant are you?

16 - i think the merry go round one is wrong - and what exactly is a "standard package of hot dog buns"??
I got 19.....But I have to agree the Marry go Round one can go either way, cause if memory serves me the marry go round at Cedar Point spins clockwise but I could be wrong. Something that I really dont keep in the memory bank.
20 matches for 20 cigarettes. 8 hotdog buns for 10 hotdogs? How does that make sense. Got 17 by the way.
18, the merry go round goes counter because you are thinking of the ones you push yourself, the powered ones(ones with horsies:) go counter.
Sno-Xr said:

Id rather be riding!!

I'd rather be enjoying that nice new Yamaha Gear Bag!! LOL

Im with ExpertXViper, that damn Cedar Point merry go round goes clockwise - - - doesnt it?? LOL - thats the 1st thing I pictured
