Allright whos the Heli-coil expert.


New member
May 18, 2004
Highmore SD
My old SRX was running great last week until the screws that hold the stator fell out. Must have been loose for awhile, wrecked the stator, screws, and threads in the case. I have never had to heli-coil anything before so I'm looking for any tips or tricks.

Get the proper size dill bit and origianl size thread heli coil and tap. They do sell them all in one package, Then make sure you can drill and tap the hole squarely, NOT at a angle or slightly off. Then take your time. Its not hard Especially in aluminum. Make sure you have the proper sizes....MOST IMPORTANT DRILL BIT (SHARP) TAP correct size for HELI CoiL size. A little oil helps also as your drilling and tapping. good luck.
Very easy. drill, tap, coil, done. Bring the bolt with you when picking up the kit so you get the right size. There's a lot to choose from.
justaviper said:
Very easy. drill, tap, coil, done. Bring the bolt with you when picking up the kit so you get the right size. There's a lot to choose from.

It will take me a week to get the exact screws from Yamaha. Could I go to the hardware store and use something like a capscrew that is the same length and dia.? and then get the helicoil kit to match? I have no idea what thread pitch the screws were.
cap screws would be a better choice. you have that nice allen wrench to turn that bolt in, instead of that phillips bulls#$%. either socket head cap screws or button head cap screws would be my choice of fastener to use.
mopar1rules said:
cap screws would be a better choice. you have that nice allen wrench to turn that bolt in, instead of that phillips bulls#$%. either socket head cap screws or button head cap screws would be my choice of fastener to use.

usually the kits comes with an applicator for screwing in the heli coil which makes life really easy, make sure you get the hole deep enough to get the hole screw in, the one time i had to grind the end of a drill bit off square on a bench grinder just to get to the bottom of the hole.
