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me nutz!! Here in the Mpls. area we have had basically nothing since X-mas. I think our total for the winter is about 21 inches of snow and most of that melted. Just south of here where I grew up they have had a bit less. I see IOWA and southern Wisconsin are getting pounded again for the umpteenth time. Those areas must have three times the snow totals this winter. According to the weather channel some areas are going to see 12-18" of new snow. WTF!!@!@!!! That isn't all that far away. It seems once a weather pattern is set for the winter, it's etched in gold. Yesterday it snows in IOWA and it melts here and we are north.......all the rules of winter have been throw out the window.
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It was rideable for about 1 week here right after X-mas and I was working 7 days a week on a project. After the meltdown in early January, it has been all but shot here. I told my boss I might transfer to one of our sister plants where it snows....(joking)...
I rode in northern Wisconsin a week ago and it was only OK. Wore a set of carbides out doing it. I leave to the Copper Harbor in mid February. I hope it holds out there.
I rode in northern Wisconsin a week ago and it was only OK. Wore a set of carbides out doing it. I leave to the Copper Harbor in mid February. I hope it holds out there.
OH! Don't even go there!! Its going to be like 65 today and rain and I haven't been out at all this year. Ususlly by late Jan we are riding at least.
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Sucks to be you guys. LOL.
Up here we have about 8-10 inches of snow, nothing since X-Mas. Trails are groomed but showing lots of dirt and rocks. It has been very cold this year, alot of days with -30c , -45c with the windchill. This has been the worst year for a long time.
Up here we have about 8-10 inches of snow, nothing since X-Mas. Trails are groomed but showing lots of dirt and rocks. It has been very cold this year, alot of days with -30c , -45c with the windchill. This has been the worst year for a long time.
Yes it sucks, think about me JourneyMan, move from Argentina in 01 started with sleds in 02 and I start thinking I move to the wrong State......I'm getting pretty stress here and every fall i do nothing but put money on the sleds for what...???????? I'm still hoping
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Come one, come all. The snow is deep and plentiful here in Houghton!
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This has been one of the better years for northern lower michigan, We have had ridable snow for better than a month & close to two. Ridable snow in the lower make for much better trails in the upper by keeping the flat landers away 

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Our snow totals for the year were like 61" before this storm. Record for this area for a season is 76", so we may break the all-time record this year. I feel for ya, usually it's me ranting about no snow, and having January be in the 50's. Shit 2 years ago, my boss and I went golfing on January 26, was 55 and sunny out, not a lick of snow on the ground. We stopped work at noon and got a tee time. That's the way it usually seems like it is around here. Trails have been open here since Dec 10, they closed down for a week a couple times when it got warm out though.
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Hey man i know how you feel. im from southwest wisconsin and this is the best winter we've had in a quite a while. we've had rideable snow since late november and it's usually february before we even get any snow. I remember all to well what it's like to be in your situation. last year i was walking around in a t shirt in parts of jan and feb.
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What bums me out is my ole man. He is in great shape for his age...........71 .... as his his twin brother. They still have sleds and love snowmobiling, but don't like to travel anymore. My Dad still has an identicle Viper as mine, while the uncle has a 2007 Vector GT. They are getting sick of the low snow winters in southern MN and are thinking of getting out for good. You know how it is, sleding is great, but you kind of like having other people to ride with too. I will lose two people I hold as my commarades in this sport.
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Now I am really bummed out!! Somebody broke into our shop and stole many of our tools, a Vexlar fish finder, two under water cameras, a welder,two chain saws,an ice auger and other various items. For some reason they left the sleds alone and also the new Grizzly 700. My feeling is they were familiar with the place.
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That sucks. Hopefully you catch them crooks.
I've given up almost all hope of snow here. We haven't even had enough snow yet to cover up the ground completely. I have not ridden my sled below 4K feet yet this year.
I've given up almost all hope of snow here. We haven't even had enough snow yet to cover up the ground completely. I have not ridden my sled below 4K feet yet this year.
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Yeh the ice fishing stuff was my Dad's. Being there isn't enough snow to ride, they have been fishing alot. All the stuff I mentioned was brand new.
There's something to be said for living this far north, 30" of snow on the ground and more on the way. As a bonus, I also use my sled for work and get paid to ride. Sorry to hear about your conditions but i'll have a perma-grin until at least mid April.
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Yeh.......if it wasn't for the wife and kids, I'd move the heck out of here. I am sure with my profession ,I'd find work in many other areas. I'd love to live in Canada. In fact, I have long lost relatives in the Port Perry to Cobourgh ,Ontario area.
journeyman said:Now I am really bummed out!! Somebody broke into our shop and stole many of our tools, a Vexlar fish finder, two under water cameras, a welder,two chain saws,an ice auger and other various items. For some reason they left the sleds alone and also the new Grizzly 700. My feeling is they were familiar with the place.
Sounds to me like a bunch of kids. Adults would've took the bigger stuff IMHO.
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Actually the cops think it was a more proffesional hit. I thought kids too being they took beer from our fridge, but the only took whole cased stuff. They were very neat and orderly how they went about their business. They didn't wreck or vandalize anything......meaning they may be back later. Their footprints looked like they were sober. They checked every building on the property. They think it was cased for awhile. The sleds are hard to get rid of around here. The 4 wheeler, YES, but it's so new, it might be too vulnerable to being traced.

If that would of happened here in Winterpeg,you would of followed them footprints and found them frozen at the end .It is friggin cold out here. -42 windchill conditions right now.It is like being in the Artic.Barely stuck my head out the door today.

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This is just part of our snow accumlitation out here. When this snow pack starts to run off, look out!