Modded Vipers


New member
Feb 5, 2008
I have a 2002 Viper. Anyone with lite mods done to vipers?(pipes,clutch etc..) I want to start pulling away from mxz 600's, and 800's and especially those damn F7 Cats. I give them all a race, but I can't pull them like a triple usually does. I have a 2003 Mach Z(stock) that destroys everything after 1000ft. I don't know if I can acheive that status w/ the viper, but if I can spend $1500 and wake her right up I will. With pipes and clutching, can I attain apprx. 165 hp. My Mach Z comes factory with apprx 170. Don't be mad because I have a ski doo. I am loyal to Yamaha. I just have something with these old triples. it looks like everyone uses bender, should i go that route? thanks for any help
yes, get some pipes like either slp, bender, or aaens. get a good clutch setup and have mrviper700 on this site port you cylinders. you will around 165hp then. then go an give those sh$%Y kitties a run for their $
Mine has SLP pipes, clutced and SLP did the heads. Couldn't be happier SLP advertises mine has 163-165 with the head mod and pipes.
Mine's a bikeman 780, ported, bender pipes,mega power heads. Dynoed this year at 166.5 @ 8600 . When you're running a strong f7 you'll need all 165hp, man they can be quick.
with the addition of pipes youll be right about 148hp realisticly, porting youll gain another 10-12hp in a viper they are pretty good cylinders from the factory but theres some improvements that can be done on bottoms of cylinders,pistons and some minor machining, the gain depends on the gas octane youll be running, as with better fuel you can run more compression-more power. With pipes, trail porting and dialed in jetting your looking at solid 155-158hp real world. if you want a drag race type sled, get cpr pipes, or a above average healthy trail sled to hold its own use the slp pipes, they are alos the quietest pipes for the trail.
You said you have a mach-z as a 2nd sled as in to ride while 1 is apart?

I would start the project as soon as I could.

SLP pipes, port work, Heel clicker clutch kit, SRX base gasket, new pistons and rings to freshen it up after the port work, 5.38 idler wheels, 23/38 gearing for trail riding, and a rear cooler. You would be right at around $1,500 and would put much bigger sleds on the bench.

Just be sure to really fatten up the jetting/fuel screws with port work and pipes. Also, expect your mileage to take a dump around 8-10 if I am correct, but you will have a mean sled.
