float bowls full of 2 stroke oil ??!!!??!


New member
Feb 15, 2004
Channahon, IL
Never seen this in all my years... Took friend's '97 SX 600 twin carbs off to clean them after sled sat for 2 years. He said he pulled it 100 or so times trying to start it this year, only fires on ether. so I took the drain plugs off the bowls and pancake syrup consistancy 2 stroke oil and gas (guessing 90% oil/10% gas) dripped out (about the whole bowl volume, say 3 oz each). 2 fuel lines to carbs were thick too. Obviously this is an oil injected sled so how the heck does this happen?

Also noted that that with plugs in or out, no gas (or thick stuff) comes out the hoses to the carbs when pulling the rope. I never tested this before. shouldn't I have a healthy stream???!??!!!! I also noted that I could blow right thru the fuel pump using the hose from the gas tank. Bad fuel pump or should it be that way?

Thanks for the help. If you care to discuss, I'm at 815 690-9182
siudog said:
I took the drain plugs off the bowls and pancake syrup consistancy 2 stroke oil and gas (guessing 90% oil/10% gas) dripped out so how the heck does this happen?
the oil get's mixed IN the fuel pump with gas,,,then sent to the carb's(bowl)
what probly happend is over time the gas evaporated leaving mostly oil.
siudog said:
Also noted that that with plugs in or out, no gas (or thick stuff) comes out the hoses to the carbs when pulling the rope. I never tested this before. shouldn't I have a healthy stream???!??!!!!
probly pluged up with all the old crap in there,you need to flush everything
out(lines,F/P,etc..),also check puls line from the case to the F/P,for
cracked pinched,pluged,etc...
siudog said:
I also noted that I could blow right thru the fuel pump using the hose from the gas tank., should it be that way?
dunno on that,never tryed it...
siudog said:
yea, carbs were off when I pulled the drain plugs and of course I cleaned them up.
Not to be an a$$ but did you do it right???

blow all jets/passages out with shop air, then when held up to a light you could see through them??,,then set to spec.????
this is not an issue of me cleaning the carbs right. I've been doing that for 36 years. It is an issue of how all that oil got in the float bowls and the 2 hoses from the pump to the carbs. This was before I cleaned the carbs... A few posts above explains that the oil is mixed in the fuel pump (contrary to other sleds I've had). Now it's an issue of the pump being bad. Obviously if this guy pulled the cord 100 times, he'd fill up the bowls as I described. The big question is if the internal diaphrams of the fuel pump are OK. The oil tank is not gravity draining thru the pump so it's diaphrams should be OK, but I get no fuel with 5 gallons in the tank. It seems apparent they are not ok as I can blow thru the hose, but I'm asking you guys if this is normal or not. I think I should get a good pray of gas when i pull the cord, but you never know.
Yes...you should get gas through the lines when pulling over the motor,but
as i stated above,,,everything's probably full of sh*t...you need to pull things down and inspect and clean, and check the puls line out also.

that things been sitting for that long who know's what's wrong with it...
My cousins Viper did the exact same thing this year, sled wouldnt start to save his life. I pulled the varbs down and found the bowls full of oil, otherwise they where spotless I suspect a faulty check valve on the oil line caused a slow leak down.
check valve bad from oil pump to fuel pump, it is only supose to flow through when the pump is pumping. it may have a piece of dirt in it or is defective. it would only show up as a problem after setting a long time. gas in bowls evaporate droping the floats. because gas won't siphon on a yamaha, the oil would be the only thing to run into the carbs.
It would'nt happen to be overkill with some kind of storage spray that now looks like injector oil is it?
Normally you would be able to blow through the fuel pump from the tank side, but not the opposite way.

It is not pumping gas and when he continued to pull it over and when it was running on ether, the oil pump filled the carbs. You should have some gas pumping from the lines to the carbs when it is pulled over.

Is there gas in the tank? Check the hose from the pump to the tank and the pickup hose inside the tank. It may have fallen off or is cracked near the top.
Kink the pickup hose over next to the filter and blow on the end of the hose that attaches to the fuel pump with your mouth. There should be no flow.
It would be unusual for the filter to be completely plugged.

Remove the pulse line to the crankase and check it for cracks and leaks. If you replace it, it should be the type that is on there and not clear plastic. Some automotive type braided construction fuel hose will work.

If the hoses check okay, take the fuel pump apart and check it. Scribe a line from top to bottom on the side of the pump before you take the screws out so it is reassembled properly.
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Problem solved! I took off the gas cap and blew in the tank as hard as I could with the gas hoses to the carbs off and some mung eventually flew out. No problems now (except for lack of snow). Thanks for the help.
