Where to Build/Buy and What sled to buy?


New member
Mar 1, 2005
Pittsburgh, PA

Its finally time to think about stepping up to the plate. I am tired of no snow and riding my 87' exciter (it is a great sled though, dont get me wrong).

I am considering buying/building a place (cabin) somewhere relatively nearby. I am in Pittsburgh so I want to keep it within the "weekend" window. 4-5 hour drive at most. I am thinking I need to at least venture into new york b/c where my cabin used to be (Marienville, PA) gets about 3 inches a year anymore. Michigan is out b/c its a whole day to get there for me and my uncle already has a place in Paradise anyway.

So, where do I go?

I am not going to bust the bank all at once and buy brand new sleds so I am thinking of picking up a nice used Viper or RX. I understand, relatively speaking, the 2 vs. 4 stroke argument but this is a tough one for me.

So, what do I buy?

Thanks a lot!

Buy a Viper. I love mine. Try to pick one up that doesn't have the pro action skid though. Look for a 2003 or 2004. :2strokes: I got a 2004 left over last year for $5200. Shop around if you want a new one you can find them.
Yet the Viper's are good. We have the pro mountain skid in ours. So far they have been a good sled. We got 2 2005 Viper Mountain leftovers in April for $4300 each. They are out there just waiting to be found.
