What do you guys do on long trips with other oils?


New member
Oct 8, 2007
Zeeland MI
I was wondering what you guys do about oil when your on long trips and you dont run yamalube. I have always run yamalube with no problems, and was thinking about switching to a syn. But i take week long trips where i dont see the truck again until the end of the week. What do you guys do on these trips about oil. I see yamalube at all the gas stations and rarely do i see amsoil or other brands. What do you guys do for oil then?
If I have to I will use another brand but I usually only add it when the oil is really low so therefore there is little mixing of the two oils. I do try to use Amsoil syn. majority of the time but running oil from a different brand is better then running no oil at all!
pack as much of your fav oil in the sled. When you are out run it low and use the best brand name oil that station sells.

I've got a 97 Polaris XLT and the only oil I've run in it is Canadian Tire oil. For you Americans that basically a baby step up from a generic Walmart brand. FYI - that sled has 15,000 miles and the motor has never been rebuilt.

You won't kill your motor running something different for a short time.
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I used to take my oil along, but that is a pain. One time I had a gallon jug in the bottom of the saddlebags and it sprung a leak from hitting on the running board. Luckily none got on my clothes.
Now I just keep a quart on the sled for emergencies and buy some at the place I get gas- synthetic if they have it. If not, often they have one or more of the sled manufacturers oils and they are all good oils. A major oil companies oil (BP, Mobil, Castrol, Phillips 66, etc.) would be the next choice. And if they only had an off brand oil, that would not bother me much to use it- some people use those oils continuously without problems. A quart of rotgut oil here and there over the life of the sled won't be a problem.
As YD stated, other oil than you normally use is not a problem, and if you do not have power valves it is not as important to use a certain type of oil. Even with power valves, all it means is that you may have to clean them sooner.
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YamerDown said:
pack as much of your fav oil in the sled. When you are out run it low and use the best brand name oil that station sells.

I've got a 97 Polaris XLT and the only oil I've run in it is Canadian Tire oil. For you Americans that basically a baby step up from a generic Walmart brand. FYI - that sled has 15,000 miles and the motor has never been rebuilt.

You won't kill your motor running something different for a short time.
crappytire oil use to be esso at one time im not sure now,me i use lucas semi-syn and am going to try ipone full syn next round .my younger bro went fishing last year with a yammy outboard of the 2-stroke varity and somehow ran out of oil.in an emergency use what uyou have and in his case it was 10w30 car oil.got him 30 miles down river without too much hassle.
I dont carry any oil!! sorry - 4 stroke joke

I used to store a couple in my saddle bags just as to not pay the huge retail, but then when I was out I would just try to run a premium oil from any of the brands. Never had an oil related issue here with mixing.
I ran 320 miles on the tank and never needed to add.

I did have a AC friend that put a pint in the rear of his sled and it was not secured. It broke open and ran down to the floor boards. What a mess that was to clean up on the trail.
I take a large turkey baster with me....when buds are in paying for gas....I drain their oil tanks.....just gota be fast. :D:DP
Its all good, I run Amsoil and have for years.Just about anything will protect just fine, the only difference I've really noticed over the years with oil is how clean it burns.Cheap oils usually stinks and smoke more, that one reason why I think synthetics are the way to go.
