What’s your idea of a good ride?


Feb 11, 2004
Channaho, Il.
Just curious of what the opinions of a good day or weekend of riding: For me its non-stop riding 600 to 750 miles in a weekend. Some people like to bird watch and some just bar hop. What’s your idea of a good ride?
My tastes have changed somewhat, used to be pack as many miles in as we could in a day. Anymore I really dont care about the miles, just a full day riding weather it be saddlebaggin or simply playing in the deep stuff.

Love the powder, and medium pack, Just a good day riding with friends.
Not too cold though -20 and below isnt so much fun. Riding new trails.. some good MPH blasts, and some good drift riding, Dont drink when I ride, so Bars dont really do anything for me unless they have good food.
Perfect day riding yesterday, first tracks on the trail...good 10 12 in powder
drifts, good temp outside also.... 220 miles... IT Was A Good Day..!!! :winterrul
A perfect ride for me would start on a friday evening (4pm), ride until 8pm to a motel. Start bright and early on saturday (6am) Ride until Noon, And find the best place/lake to get some racing in for a few hours. Now being 3-4pm, ride until 8pm to another motel. Up on sunday on the trails at 6am, ride all day straight until 8pm. Bunk it at another motel. Sled from 6am-noon back to the tuck load up and get home!

I like to get some racing, Trail riding, and some scenery in also!
3-4 guys & no more, 12-24" of fresh powder, Miles of smiles on untracked U.P. Logging roads pinned to the bar with the Hot Dogger loaded up with deboned BBQ Ribs ;)

Love the days when we burn a tank of gas in 50-60 miles & never make it more than 10 miles from camp. Refuel & head back out the other direction.
WAHOO Dis is FUN!!!!!
I'm pretty young yet in my life, I don't like going all day and no stops. My group will do 200 miles in a day. Frequent smoke breaks. Play off trail and stop to eat. I'm fortunate to go to school in the Keewenaw and have all sorts of different riding. I feel real bad for the guys that don't have good snow to ride on, so any sort of riding I can do, I won't bitch about snow conditions.
Back in the late 80's and early 90's it was 200-300 miles per day or bust,
but now I would rather do 150 smooth miles (which is why I only ride the trails during the week)
than beating myself and my sled to death.
Sweating your tail off riding 60 or so miles of freshly groomed tight twistys! I also prefer to ride at night.
I like to walk out the back door, hop on the sled and go. I like to do fresh groomed trails and have a destination. I don't drink and don't like others in my group to drink while we are still riding. I like to stop and take pictures. I like to ride off trail if there is fresh snow to blast through. Seems we haven't had a lot of that the last couple years. I don't like to ride overly fast or overly slow. Something in the 50MPH range if the trails are good. I do like to pin the throttle on occasion.

I used to ride alone a lot, but now I like to have at least one person with me. I have concerns that my sled my strand me somewhere and that just doesn't work for me. I have never rode in a very large group.

I would rather watch people play off trail on jumps and stuff. I like to ride threw the powder and drifts but the jumps just hurt. I have rolled down a hill climbing so a little leery of that. I like to take pictures of the others in a group doing the jumps and hill climbing. I will sit at the hills for a long time and take pictures of others climbing.
My definition of a good ride is if we all make it back in one piece and nobody breaks down. Starting to get tired of the ripped up trails on weekends, if there is enough snow I like to find secondary roads and cruise back around 45-50 just enjoying the day. I usually just ride with a couple buds, we have known each other for years and can trust each other and know our capabilities. We like to pick a place to eat dinner or lunch and then make that our destination for the day. After we get back to the cabin it's time for cocktails.
Quality not always quantity!! all deepends on everything combined! as long as fun was had by all doesn't matter if you put on 60 miles or 300 miles! we have done both and had a blast both ways!
stein700sx said:
Any day on my sled is better than workin. Perfect day of driving is arriving home with no one on a tow rope.
You had better not invite any Arctic Cats on your rides then, LOL! I could'nt resist as I have saw about 10-12 cats dead along the trail in the last couple of weeks.
For me, its all about riding as fast as I can from corner to corner and then carrying as much speed through the twisties as possible.
Anybody can pin the throttle and do 100+ mph on the lake, but it takes some real skill to be fast through the twisties.
Im definetly not the fastest guy around when it comes to the twisties, but I sure do have fun trying.
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