More Torque, Twin or Triple??


New member
Nov 30, 2007
waunakee, wi
I don't know trhe answer to this, my friend thinks 2 cyls have more torque than 3 cyls of the same displacement. Anyone have any proof or know the answer for sure? Both engines stock of the same year or so. Like say a 2000 SRX vs Polaris XC 700.(example)

Thanks for your input.
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Mathematically HP=(tourqueXRPM)/5280. So if you look at a DYno result and look at the tourque @5280 rpm, the tourque is equal to HP.
That said I think the trips have a more consistent curve, meaning a higher HP @5280.
Long story short...I think the trips are torquier throught the rpm range.
A 2 cylinder may be able to provide more top end HP @8500rpm but @5280 they will be lower.

Thats the way I see it.
I've always thought that twins had more torque down low but I think variable exhaust systems may have changed that.
Triples just overall have more performance potential. Take a look at any radar run and tell me what sleds you see in the mod or open class. Chances are that most of them are triples.
The other manufacturers hyped up the twins about how they had so much more torque and yadda, yadda, yadda; but the move to twins was more about operating costs. Think about it, if you stop making triples and start making twins you cut your operating costs by 1/3.
Torque is really more about length of stroke than it is how many cylinders an engine has. Most of your engines that are known for great lowend torque have a longer stroke. That allows them to get more out of each rpm.
Usually the twins of today offer more peak torque. What the triple offers is a wider overall power band which equates to an easier target for clutching. As two strokes go, I love the Yamaha triples over any of the twins out there. When comparing the two side by side of equal displacement, the twin might be stronger down low and thru the mid, but the triple usually shines up top.
the longtivity of the triple verse the twin the twin will long be gone and the triple lives on, like any one who really wants to get serious about a race the tripple will cross the line first, the twin will get a short start on bottom but the tripple will real it in no problem at least on yamahs tripple and i know the older mach z 800 will real in the twins to, the older t cats can do lots of reallying in to, for the manufacture the twins are cheaper to build and cheaper to mod but u have what u have the tripple for me out running across the rooling hills in 2 feet of snow with a 141 the twin ,s long lost.tripples got much longer legs thats my 2 cents and i,m sure some will beg to disagree. Al Larson
O4 Viper 700 tripple vs 04 F-7 700 twin. I had first hand excperiance a few weeks ago and got my *** kicked by the f-7. Out of the hole and all the way to the end. I'm picking up the nitrous kit today lol. :nos:
I got my 02 viper the same time my buddy bought his 02 XC 700 and they run almost dead even depending on who gets the better launch. We raced many times and we were always going back and forth. I would say that the twin is a little stronger down low but the triple picks up pretty fast and after I tuned it a little he had nothing on me in a drag race. The viper would normally walk away from him on the top though. Hopefully this puts a little real life perspective to your question. Of course this was all before the 151x2 track went on the viper. This is a closer comparison than racing a 140HP F7 IMO. If a F-7 could not spank my stock viper I would be surprised.

Just my .02
a 700 twin will have more tq down low than a 700 triple, given the same engine tech (exhaust valves, etc)

compare the dynos of the 600 sx in the twin, vs the 600sxr triple, and you will see this.
goody_700 said:
I'm asking for REAL proof as far as if a twin will beat a triple....
It depends how long the run is. If its a short run (600') the twin will most likely win, but if you are talking abou running wide open for miles and miles, my money is on the triple.
I'm was just wondering as far as engine torque. Which type of motor produces more, a twin or triple of same displacement, my friend thinks twins produce more, I don't think they do, that's all. Just wondered if anyone had dyno #'s to prove this. Thanks for the responses
