washing engine?


New member
Oct 23, 2005
just wondering if anyone washes there engine compartment on there sled and if they do what do they use and what precautions do all you guys take im going to clean mine up real good after the season and wanted to know what all you guys do to shine them upp.. thnks for your input!
I was also wondring the same thing. I want to just power wash my complete engine compartment? What should I avoid????
I do this every fall getting both our sleds ready for winter.
I remove the pipes, silencers, carbs, air box and clutches. Put paper towels in the exhaust and intake ports and duct tape closed tightly. Tape over the timing window by the recoil and tape off the PTO side main seal and crank stub. Don't hit the crank or seal with a power washer and stay away from jack shaft bearing. Plug the gas and water line hoses from the carbs. Use foaming engine compartment degreaser and wash it off. Usually have to scrub a little around where the clutches are. Lube the tie rod ends and stearing links when done.
Keeps the ol' girls looking good. I hate looking at and working on dirty stuff.

Good luck ;)!
Just have at her,your not going to hurt anything,use your head avoid
critical areas with full pressure,use a mild degreaser nothing to harsh..

do it all the time....

Like he said ^ pressure washer. I put heavy duty degreaser on the nasty krud and let it sit for a while. Keeps em looking new !!
i cover the airbfilter with a plastic bag pretty much soak everything with that orange citrus degreaser the go at it with a pressure washer. I found if you have a compressure get one of those air fitting attachments that spray water, degreaser. fill a bucket with warm water and spary away you get a verry fine 3/4" spray with this, blow dry everything.
awesome thnks guys! keep em coming.. havent really seen any threads about this type of stuff so this is great info!
