Jetting SLP Piped Viper


Sep 21, 2006
So since so many on here are running the SLP triple pipes on their Vipers, has anyway swayed from their recommended jetting???

I'm wondering if I can go a little leaner in the mid. Obviously I will do plug and wash reading, but curious if anyway has had success?

I'm currently running their setup for 0 to 3000' at 0 to +20F which is:

Fuel screw at 1 3/4
Pilots are 47.5
Stock Needle and jet E-clip @ 4.0
Mains are 162.5

Anyone running in those condition with less fuel???


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ttt, come on guys. There are tones of you running SLPs, help me out. Can I go to e-clip 3.5 and still be safe?
So youd actually take someones word instead of going out and actually testing your very own sled? There is no way in hell I would do that, think about it if "they" were wrong..... gonna be a expensive mistake wouldnt it?

Not too mention, everyones sled is differnt, they(sleds) dont all use the same specs because of where you live, temp wise, air quality, sled mods, engine condition,clutching, need I go on?

let the sled tell you what it wants, and the only way your gonna know is to go out in the field and test!

I am sorry, but this just doesnt make any sense, your smarter then that!
and to add, with the fuel quality you guys have up there, I sure as heck wouldnt rely on jetting from down here. lower octane fuel wont be able to be jetted even nearly as close as better octane fuel will, youll need extra fuelfrom jetting to keep detonation away. :o|

test,test,test,test,test,test, did I mention test?
Ok, well then let me ask you this. Plugs looked good with needles in position 4 and seemed to still have some margin. It's a 5 min ride through suburbia from my garage to the nearest trail were I can do testing. So if I change them to 3.5 will it survive the warm up + 5 min ride to the trail? If I test and they are too lean, with it then survive the 5 min ride back? That's basically my concern.

mrviper700 said:
and to add, with the fuel quality you guys have up there, I sure as heck wouldnt rely on jetting from down here. lower octane fuel wont be able to be jetted even nearly as close as better octane fuel will, youll need extra fuelfrom jetting to keep detonation away. :o|

test,test,test,test,test,test, did I mention test?

What do you mean by the quality of fuel we have up here? I kind of took offense to this statement.

We have Supreme fuel (91-100 octane) at most fuel pumps. At one time Cheveron in Valemont had 104 octane I believe at the pumps (red in color)

Sorry mrviper700, Just venting.

You are right though, that what might work for one Viper, may not work for the other with the same set-up.

As for my MNT Viper with motor mods and CPR Simmons pipes, I running 160's across with an ATTAC installed. Right now most of my riding is at home @ 1800-2000ft.
Also I run 94 octane in my sled, some times its 91. Either fuel could potentially have up to 10% ethenol in it. I know the 91 would, but not sure about the 94. Don't know if Sunoco puts it in that fuel or not.

Is this really that low in octane?
And yes I read the part in bold below the getting chart that says to add .5 and two main sizes for ethonal blended fuels. I didn't follow that instruction, but the plugs look OK so far.
lol, I don't. I did a 240 mile trip and went through 46 US gal. But we had 2' of fresh snow and I was breaking trail. Also most of the trip was old railway lines so I was doing 75-90 mph down those. I worked the average out to be 5.4 mpg, but I think once I clutch it and do a normal (non-WOT) ride I'll see closer to 6-7 mpg.
powdertrax, 91 octane is NOT premium pump fuel, thats mid grade fuel.
93-94 octane is premium pump fuel. I know in Canada you guys dont have the same thing we have here, you have blends with added ethanol and other ingrdiants for fuel line freeze up etc.While some places here do have ethanol fuels, lots dont, it matters what state and area you go to. If you cant guarantee your getting those octane numbers in, dont jet your sled to the exact spec, it will bite you right in the butt! You add pipes etc all these things to make more power but if you cant run the fuel level needed to keep the engine alive whasts the point? thesethings need premium fuel, a viper has alot of timing, triple pipes, higher compression all the things needed for higher octane fuel!

its not meant to offend anyone, thats just what you have to work with.

without being able to get premium fuel as you have stated sometimes, this is exactly the reason I tell guys over and over again, to keep bottles of octane boost in their trunks, if you come to a gas stop and its questionable, then add it, its a heck of alot cheaper then buying cylinders and pistons! it doesnt make 87 into 94, but if all you can get is 91,its a heck of alot safer then just chancing it!
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Ok Don, I'll throw a smarter question out there for ya. How much difference is there between a Q-0 at 3.5 and a P-8 at 4.0?

What would be the P-8 equivalent setting to the Q-0 @ 3.5?

Just trying to see how much margin they built between the two recommendations.
