tek vest put to the test?


New member
Dec 6, 2004
Dakota, IL
I am considering going to a tek vest or something similar. (Getting old family to support etc.) What I am wondering is if anyone has had a accident or something to tell the value of wearing one. I guess I am looking for some proof that they help before I get one. If someone has one to sell (tek or something else) PM me.
I have! Got bounced off my sled Jan. 9th. Hit the ground HARD!! Bruise to hips,legs and arms. NO bruises or pain whatsoever on my upper body other than my collarbone being broke. Nothing you could wear would have prevented that. It also caused all the foam on the right side inside portion of my helmet to crush! Ripped my Quik Strap right off and broke the visor. I will NOT ride without my Tekvest!!!
glad do hear your ok. interesting story. I have lots of shoulder and collar bone injuries from mx racing i was hoping to reduce the risk of collar and shoulder injuries
Doc,I see you live in Dakota! Hows the trails holding up over there? Ours in the Durand area look GREAT!!
I used to race MIRA and eagle river and such in ice ovals and I will not ride any snowmobile without mine after the few incidents I have been in racing I wear mine tekvest grass racing, asphalt, just testing in my yard and trail riding just bc you can live without limbs etc, but the tekvest protects all your vitals you cant live without, I had one wrekc at 90mph going into a turn when the track blew and I came out with a dislocated shoulder and torn acl bc it got caught in the snow fence but nothing not even bruising anywhere on my torso are the DR. asked me if I was wearing one and he has since started to wear one himself when trail riding.

Just my experience

I read about an experience that a guy had with one of those vests on snowmobilefanatics.com They sound like a good investment to me.
Viper_Dave said:
Doc,I see you live in Dakota! Hows the trails holding up over there? Ours in the Durand area look GREAT!!
trails getting a little beat up right around town. Rode to Juda, Monticello, back Through Monroe, trails wer absolutley faNTASTIC! I rode my viper for the first time after riding my Nytro. Was a nice treat. If you have a chance head to juda trails great shape!
I have the supersport model and I will tell you right now it will keep you warmer thats why even in trail riding I only wear a pullover with an under armour shirt and sweatshirt and have been more than warm enough in 0* temps with 20-30 mph winds plus the riding. They work great and are great peace of mind

Yup, been riding with one since '97. Too many possibilties of idiots coming at you on the wrong side of the trail. I've been bounced off a few times but haven't put it to a true test yet.

Very warm which means I don't wear anything but a T-shirt under it even in sub zero temps..

They claim it works as a floatation device as well.
Ive been wearing one for the last 3 years and dont ever ride without it. I feel naked if its not on. It has definitely saved me some broken ribs on a few occasions. One time i was riding thru this little creek bed where the side was the perfect slope to jump. So I go into it and (due to flat light) it was more of an overhang. I nosed straight into it and SLAMMED the handlebars with my chest. Bent my bars forward and broke the windshield. My friends all looked at me like they thought i was broken in half. It stung a bit but I didnt get injured. One save makes it worth every penny.
