low end bog


Active member
Nov 6, 2003
Northern Ontario
I cant seem to find my low end bog. It is a fuel bog and not a clutch bog.
Aaen piped SXR 700. I have 47 pilots had the fule screws set to stock and it boged tried fuel screws at 2 turns out still boged and had an idle hang. Put the PTO and center to 1 3/4 turns out and left the mag side 2 turns out. No more idle hang but still a bog. When I give it fuel at idle you can hear the bog. When riding you can feel the low end bog as you keep on the throttle the bog is not there at all in mid range or top end which is telling me my pilot curcuit and fuel screws are still not right. I had 50 pilots in and was way too rich. Not sure what else to try.
when you went with the 50's how rich were ya, pig,a little?? could you
have cleand it up with more adjusting of the screw's??????

how much did you adjust with the 50's,turns???
with the 50 is was 1.5 turn out. Put is 47 tried 1.5 turns and still bogged went to 2 turns out and still bogged plus had the idle hang when you release the throttle.
As soon as I go past that 1/4 throttle she runs like a champ to WOT. I cleaned the pilots very well and used a compressor to blow them out good. I could see the light!
No idle hang at 1.5 turn out with 47 or 50. With 47 and 2 turns out idle hangs and sled bogs with either 1.5 or 2 turns out. I am a little confused. I am thinking since no idle hang at 1.5 turn out and will hang at 2 then I have too much fuel? I need to figure this out....pulling my hair.
lets talk about the 50's

Hmmm..ok with the 50's you said you were rich,,did you have a rich bog from take off??, how do you know you were rich??
I cant remember if I had a bog with the 50 since it was last year but I do remember pulling plugs after 5 minutes of idle and plugs were black.
I've always had a slight bog in my sx from idle at 1700....try putting idle at 2000, should take care of that bog

This has happened to me- drinking beer and playing with my carb. Some of the # on the jets are not very clear. Verify that youactualy have 50's and not a 60' in amongst. also dark at idle is to be expected due to the fact engine requirements are richer off the bottom than they are in the middle or top. It takes more fuel (to a point when loadding motor) off the bottom or heavy deep snow. If your sled idles for 5 minutes and does not load up, I woudn't believe it is rich with the 50's. Would look dark. At times when I was off on my jetting (2000-10000) if I idled more than 1 minute it would start running rough and if it took me any longer to pee it would actualy load up. If you get a chance look at Olav AAens carburation book. Some good reading.
Just my 2 cents.
this suggestion came from daman when i was struggling with my low end bog........try going to half choke before you pin it from a stop and see if the low end bog disappears....if it goes away you are lean on the idle circuit.
