Help with tach wiring


New member
Dec 5, 2006
Grand Rapids,MI
Need help wiring an VDO xtreme tach up in my 99 srx. What wires from the VDO go to what on the harness? How do I setup the little switches on the back of the gauge for snowmobiles?

Any help is appreciated


Anyone? I know someone has done this? I cant get my sled up and running without this!!! I need to know rpms before I start running this thing I cant clutch ir do anything with it this way.

I know I am not the first to put this tach on my SRX

And also anyway to wire this up to run off the stator?

PLease help

probably wont help but........

gota diagram showing for '00 to '02 but would probably be different, dunno for sure...

show's the tach wire to cdi...y/b(yellow/black)..
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Could you elaborate a little more.

Heres whats on the back of the VDO:

Green wire is tach wire
White Illumination
Red 12volt power
Black ground
Blue shift light

But please elaborate

Thanks for the reply

sorry, talking about the sled(on the sled) the wire coming outa the CDI to
the tach is Y/B(yellow/Black)..
Yellow black on the Stock srx tach
(i have one here its broke to use as reference)goes into the light bulb

Heres whats on the back of the two tachs
Gas gauge part:
Black, Green/Black, Brown Yellow
Brown/Yellow, Blue/yellow, Black
Light bulb:
Brown/Yellow, Black/yellow

Green=Tach sense

And the harness from the back of the tach to the harness that goes down the hood to the main harness has these 4 wires:

Tach harness: Hood Harness:
Brown/Yellow connects to brown/white
blue/yellow connects to blue
Green/black connects to green/black
black/yellow connects to Black

Quite possibly did they change the wire harness from 99 to 2000???
I hope all that is understandable

Thanks for the help lets get this figured out so I can ride this 3 year project finally!!!


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Also just to reference the back of the stock tach has the brown yellow spliced into 3 under the insulation, the black spliced into 2, then one black/yellow(to lightbulb)one green/black (gas gauge) one blue/yellow(to tach)

Hope all this makes sense and helps

I just went back through all the parts ive bought and it is a 98 SRX 600 harness. Also I just realized I probably should try to pick up a 700 cdi and no this 600 cdi unless they are not any different?

I am just going to buy a small ATV battery and run that I work at a atv/motorcycle dealer and had the tach on one last night looking to see the lifespan and I put it on at 7pm last night and its still on going strong so Im goign to let it drain to see time frame and just mount one in the belly pan and put a switch on it for when Im not riding and have it on a tender when parked in the garage at night, for the rest of this season until I can figure something else out.


This was a previous post by SRXspec. I hope it helps.

Switch positions 1,2,3 on and 4 off. Black to chassis ground then to negative on battery. Green to black/yellow or yellow/black wire up by speedo wiring. Red & White hooked together then run to positive on battery.
^^^^^Thats what I did except green to yellow/black I did green to blue/yellow and ran a positive and ground from the trunk where I put the battery, to the front and wires up to the dash it is not noticable at all once I get things finished up I will post in the working log area as to the build progress maybe tonight if I get enough time to take pics as I am trying to get it ready for its maiden voyage this coming Saturday so a buncha things to do, like changing jets and going back through every bolt to make sure they are all tight and double and triple checking everything type deal.


