since different cam arms have different weight listings, without bushing, how much does the bushing weigh?
You really ; honestly & truly want to know that??????
well, yes. i noticed while weighing several arms, several inconsistencies as to the stated weight. then it hit me, it the bushing. since most of my arms are already holding rivets, i was trying to distinguish what rivet was in there by weight deduction. as you well know, some rivets are obvius and some are harder to distinguish. i can figure it out myself, was looking for a shortcut. i should have weighed that one i sent you awhile back. ha,ha.
weights w/ bushings include the bushing in the overall weight . as long as your comparing weights that have bushings w/ weights that have bushings your differences are in the weight itself, or the rivets. Hardly any weights brand new all weigh exactly the same.
just to add, the stock weights are cast so thats why they dont always weigh the same or exactly what the chart says, as long as they are within a reasonable tolerance of say a 1/2 of a gram, youll never notice it.