Question on 06 vectors

stormin norman

New member
Feb 10, 2008
Am looking at new 06 vector. Is this a good sled or should i try for newer 07 or 08? Is the rear suspension on 06 not as good or will it be fine? Can get deal on 06 thats why I'm looking at it. What kind of top speed out of this Vector? Anything else to know on this model? Thanks
stormin norman said:
Am looking at new 06 vector. Is this a good sled or should i try for newer 07 or 08? Is the rear suspension on 06 not as good or will it be fine? Can get deal on 06 thats why I'm looking at it. What kind of top speed out of this Vector? Anything else to know on this model? Thanks

The 06 Vector is a great sled, in 06 they went with the Monoshock rear skid which is the same on the 07 and 08's and the ride is fantastic. The 08's went to the new Apex style chassie which is even better in terms of overal handling, but I gotta say that the 06 Vector is a very comfortable "traditional seating" sled. It gets fantastic miledge also.

I am very sure you will pull 100 plus, I have never had ours wound up that far so others here may chime in with actual speeds.
I had a 98 600SX then traded for a 06 Vector , and would never go back . It gets to 90 mph faster than the SX , saw 112 early on and swear it's quicker and faster after the 1000 -1500 mile mark ( they take longer to break in ) . I was getting 18 to 22 mph in northen Wi riding three weeks ago , with a good mix of racing and eazy cruising . Might bae slightly colder than the SX ( both had mid height windys ) but not much , I think the 08's look colder but love the way you sit up when on them . Hope it helps , remember the 09's come out in a couple weeks , might be worth waiting for a peek !?
great sled overall, especially if you are looking for a comfortable, easy to use, great on gas trail sled. I LOVE my fathers, and his is an 05 without the monoshock. the monoshock is a sweet SWEET trail skid! dad consistently gets better than 20 mpg
