Need a little more torque. Wrap it maybe...?


Argentino Loco
Aug 18, 2005
Mound, Minnesota
I'm runing my 600 with benders, Set up with a 49/41 and green secondary @ 1/3 and the primary with 89 L's and a stock spring. Rpm's are good toping @ 8400-8500 but I just want a little more torque I realize when I wraped my phazer tighter i took of a lot harder should I do it with the redhead if so, Should I do like 2/6 or what sorry but is the first time playing with the wrap.

Thankg guys

So Daman a 40 wrap is that 1/3 so the numbers on the clutch are 1/2/3 and the number on the helix are 0/3/6/9 where should I try then......I mean do I move all or just the helix hole or the clutch holes...Thanks

Most situations running Yami springs green or silver you will run @ 60 or 70 twist, Less twist the faster the upshift & more twist the slower the upshift. If I grab a hand full of snow & make a snowball I run more twist, If the snow is dry & will not pack I run less twist. With that said some Aaen, Bender & Hauck spring run different settings. Sled, Rider weight & snow conditions all make a difference. What works for me may not work for you & vica versa. Try a change & keep good notes so you can always go back.
Nicko said:
So Daman a 40 wrap is that 1/3 so the numbers on the clutch are 1/2/3 and the number on the helix are 0/3/6/9 where should I try then......I mean do I move all or just the helix hole or the clutch holes...Thanks

try 3-3(60) 3 in the clutch 3 in the helix
Whatever hole (number) combination you have, add the numbers together, add a zero and there you have your wrap degree. IE 3&1=40 6&2=80.
Thanks Daman, Bushman and Fleetman I'll try a few diferent ones, but you guys give me an idea...Thanks

