Studding an Ice Claw Track


VIP Member
Dec 19, 2004
Amherst NS
Studding an Ice Ripper Track??

Can it be done? Its says not to stud this track but I really can't see why you couldn't even though it has the little ice cleats in it.
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yamyrider said:
the question is why stud and pre studed track?

I got a really good deal on the track so I bought it. However, the small studs on these tracks are nowhere near comparable to push-through studs as far as hook-up is concerned. They help but if you really want to hook-up on hardpack or ice you need to stud.
sometime a good deal is not so good. The track is what it is. I remember talking to a Camoplast rep about studding the ice ripper and he had explained why and it was something about changing stud pressure of the studs in the track....can really remember.
There must be some reason for it but I really can't think what it would be. The push-through studs do not come into contact with the other studs. Oh well, I'll just have to deal with what I have. I might look around for a decent price on an 1 1/4" ripsaw and stud that. Thanks for the info.
Is the track for you srx or another sled. You wont be able to put 1 1/4 track with studs and front heat exchanger protectors without either changing drives or cutting lugs on the track.
I've had an 1 1/4" ripsaw on there before with no studs and it was fine but your right, I may have to change drivers if I want to stud. Thanks for the heads-up.
look for a 1" track like the 9830 preditor or the new hacksaw 1" this way you can stud and use protectors with no problems. The hook up will be really good.
We studded a Ice Claw...144 down the middle. Put 2000 km on it and no problems, hooks up good!! The track had seen better days before we studded it. I would recommend the hacksaw if your buying a new one, best track i have ever used.
