empty 8EK-00 weight?


VIP Member
May 2, 2003
was just wondering I scaled some weights on a paint scale (digital)
8ek empty = 40.7g
8dn10 w/rivets = 48.7g
8dn20 w/rivets = 50.8g
was surprised the empty 8ek's weighed so much, think he's scale is off?
or have others scaled them to find out they are heavier
An empty 8EK weight should weigh 39.0 grams... that's without the bushing in the pin area. If you really want to find out if the scale is off (I think it sounds about right) take the rivets out of the 8DN-10's or 20's and see how their empty weight compares. 8DN-10 are 39.76g and 8DN-20 are 42.09g. If you take out the weights on the 8DN-10 and you have a difference of .76g or close the scale is right. I think it sounds close to me anyway considering the size of the bushing.
so the 39.0 weight is without bushing, now that I look at the picture i see that!
I have been running the 8ek empty out west but 2 of them are shot
so I am installing all new rollers, shims etc... and want to run the 8dn10's I guess I will empty them out and go for it. on a side note seems like everyone else is always able to run some rivets in their 8ek's but I needed to remove both to get RPM's up?
