everything is taken apart but the cases wont spilt, what am i missing, will slpit all the way to mag, mag is still in but took out screws holding two halves together (holding wiring), any advice at my wits end have taken cases apart a number of times but must be missing something, need to get it apart to drop in my new crank
thanks mike
thanks mike
On my viper the stator had to come completely off, I don't think it's possible otherwise.
New member
Yep, NPV 700 require the stator to come off aswell. Pull that puppy and they will come apart easy.
If you haven't removed the flywheel yet you're going to need a puller to get it off, (if you don't have one I know how to jerry-rig something that works well, PM me if you need it) also be very careful removing the 3 stator screws as they are easy to round out.
you might also have to put a couple bolts back in the case to squeeze it back together, that way you wont have to pry on the stator.