fast m10 airwave review

s fortuna

New member
Sep 17, 2003
now that i have been able to use this thing, about 700mi this year. i can say how it works , first off it dont matter how good the rear is if the front is not as good as the rear . i revalved my works shocks . and the end result with the airwave WHAT BUMPS .we hit a nasty section this weekend , and i was GONE the other guy said i almost got him killed as he tried to keep up. he just could not beleive that i could go like that thur that nasty stuff . its great, and thats on a heavy 2up venture. i can fly thru that stuff
Explicate man! installation, easy or a bitch? Tuning/adjustablility? Transfer? Weight savings? Hyfax wear? Stutters, big bumps.....JUMPING????? Any loss of top end speed, that you can notice? Bottoming out? Inquiring minds want to know.
Allvipedup said:
Explicate man! installation, easy or a bitch? Tuning/adjustablility? Transfer? Weight savings? Hyfax wear? Stutters, big bumps.....JUMPING????? Any loss of top end speed, that you can notice? Bottoming out? Inquiring minds want to know.
install instrutions . suck tune with the air comp on the fly transfer is good. stutters, gone big bumps . what big bumps?. will bottom if air presh is to low . mosty on g outs . jumps well i ride this 2up like a sport machine . the other riders whatch my tail light and thought the trail was good . HE HE . untill they hit it and said holy crap . so far a very good set up , but not untill i had the front under control too
a 200 mi ride this weekend was nothing. its a very weird feeling to see a bump in the trail and hit it :rofl: and not feel it .one of the main reasons i put it in was i had back surgery a year and half ago .
it dont matter how much power you have if you cant hang on to the sled
the front shocks were revalved to slow down the rebound , as it skipped around . i did learn that if the front is not great , it dont matter how good the back is . as you will have to fight the front . its amazing how i can ride this 2up now
