Clutching Question???


Active member
Sep 18, 2006
Duluth, Mn
Ok guys I have been out testing some clutching stuff and I have a question for ya.......I have a been playing with different weights to see what the difference is.....But I am wondering about my helix....I have a bender 51/45 on my sled right now and my clutches are running out of hole 8300 to 8600 on top....I have stock weights loaded...I am wondering if I could get a little more out of my sled with maybe a 53/ I going to notice a difference in a couple of degrees? I should get a quicker upshift and a better clamp on my secondary with this change??? It also should backshift better correct? I don't see why this wouldn't be better....what do you think? I want what everybody wants, aggressive in the trails, but runs on the lake:)

New belt
clutches are cool to the touch
dishwashered clutches
8df-10 loaded
green white green primary
stock rollers

51/45 bender helix
green secondary 60 wrap

Thanks guys
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The bender helix shifts a lot more aggressive then a lot of the other makes.
try this on the 600 srx
stock primary spring
inner empty
2.4 rivet in tip
45/39 helix
silver secondary at 60 wrap.
I've got that set up in my 600. It works pretty well. I don't see the greatest top speed numbers with it though, but that might be due to my big butt, lower gearing, and the 144x2" track its spinning.

I'm going to a 780 so once that switch is complete I could sell you my 600 clutching if you want to wait on it.
If all goes according to plan I'll be doing the switch over next week. I'll let you know when I pull the clutching out and if your still interested we can work out a deal.
