My back up sled is a 97 XTC 600. On a 200 mile day I had to add oil to the tank to avoid running dry. Not sure how large the tank is but it has to hold 2-3 quarts. Is this kind of usage normal? If not what should I start checking?
oil pump is running full flow, which means your pump is bad!!!!! These xtc are famous for this.
Where is the oil pump and how hard is it to replace?
Where is the oil pump and how hard is it to replace?
Ok, just saw it looks to be a PIA to replace if you are trying to do it at a vacation home with limited tools and no heat in the garage during a 2 day trip to the UP. I would like to get 1 more trip out of it this season (letting a buddy ride it) Could I go to manually mixing oil with the gas or am I better off just letting it use a bunch of oil? If so what would the ratio be? Could I still use Yamalube?
New member
I have a 98 XTC 600 and I use quite a bit of oil too. I rode about 150 miles last night and when I got home the tank was damn near empty (light hadn't triggered yet) follow the throttle cables down (there is two) one goes to the carbs and the other goes to the oil pump near the recoil and the chain case the way to check/adjust this is to hold the throttle wide open while looking at the oil pump and look for an engraved line on the pump itself and there is another line on one of the teeth (the part that moves when you throttle it ) when the throttle is wide open these lines should line up. My sled never fouls a plug or smokes alot. If your oil pump is adjusted correctly and your not fouling plugs or smoking alot I say just keep on feeding it oil! Its cheaper and less work than rebuilding an engine. Shoot me an email if you need any more help (Ihave a service manual) Good luck!
New member
New member
there was a problem in '97 with the pumps,there was a tab inside the pump that could break and make her go to full flow,my '98 is fine on oil..
New member
nice pictures daman
New member
I think it is a 97 only issue
I use a lot of oil in mine, and it does fould out plugs from oil from time to time.
I checked my adjustment last time,a nd it seemed to be fine. I think mine just needs to be replaced.
can you do this in sled, outside with minimal tools? And how long should it take to replace the oil pump?
I use a lot of oil in mine, and it does fould out plugs from oil from time to time.
I checked my adjustment last time,a nd it seemed to be fine. I think mine just needs to be replaced.
can you do this in sled, outside with minimal tools? And how long should it take to replace the oil pump?
my 97 600 sx had the pump let go, I just carried oil until I got it fixed, better than messing with adjustments and hoping not to burn it down. plugs and oil are a LOT cheaper and faster than a rebuild
my $.02

New member
My friends did the same thing. It used so much oil it wasn't funny. We got a new one and it sips oil now.
I've got a good used pump out of my old 98 that I parted. It was working fine when I tore the sled down. $40 shipped in the lower 48 sound fair?