Major Frustration!!!


New member
Feb 6, 2006
Flat Lands, Canada
I am going in circles here...I need some ideas.
As many of you know I have Bender triples on this 01 MM700. 50 pilots, 150 mains. Clutching is set up and I am running 85-8600 at shift out.
I have been at this machine all winter now after a major over haul this summer.
I have most of my issues worked out but I have 1 that remains.
Everything is good up until 3/4 to full throttle. I am having a miss, burp, fart, whatever you want to call it.
Everything checks out in the carbs and electrically. Stator is .5,.5,.4ohms.
Pick up coil is 176.
Plugs look good.
Clutches look good.
New plug caps.
It runs real smooth down low now, but when I crack it open, I have this miss.
The only thing I can think of is I am having an electrical break down under heat.

Any thoughts???

:o| :o| :o|
better check out your wiring harness.May be a small bit of bare wire somewhere,enough that it is rubbing up against something..causing a short of some kind under full power.My 2cents :)
Have you tried to flip the choke on just before doing it? You might be a little lean in the mid range. Maybe the needles need to be moved up a hair.

I'm going to be tearing my carbs apart this weekend. But I've got much bigger jetting in mine then the ones speced which is the same you have listed. I'll post what I have in. I do have a tempa flow though so its not apples to apples.
After I put Benders on my 98 700MM I had the same problem. Mine was at 1/3-1/2 throttle, but the same thing it had spot that sounded like a miss. I raised the needles up 1/2 and it went away, pulls hard all the way to top end. Like jwiedmayer, I am running bigger than specified jetting and have a vari-flow. 152.5 mains-55 pilots-needles up 1/2 from stock-fuel screws out 1-3/4.
My needles are up 1 from stock. Maybe I have lean burp with the 150 mains? Plugs and wash look good though. I'll do some more testing tonight as it is supposed to be warmer today.
run ngk br a reading ...find a flat road at the elevation you run at......must be a constant 3/4 throttle for at least half a mile then carefully hitting the kill WITHOUT YET releasing the throttle til she comes to a your plugs here....if you are lean it will show...assuming it's at 1/2 to 3/4...raise the needles a full setting ..
This has been done a nd like I mentioned in earlier, the plugs look good.
It is the 3/4 to WOT that has the issue. Plugs still look good at WOT but I have the burp.
Well I think I have solved many of my problems. I found the connector for the coil inputs was in a bad spot. As soon as I grabbed it to move it the machine came to life. This is why the problems were not specific to one cylinder. It must have been in the right position to be shorting out any given coil at any given time. Fixed it up and took her out for a good and I mean good rip and it is puling like never before. Man am I glad to have this thing solved.

Thanks to everyone for their input and ideas.
