Anyone buy a sled in the US to bring back to Canada


New member
May 19, 2003
Churchill Falls,NL, Canada
the pricing is still so huge even with the high canadian dollar, it makes me sick, Dodge and Harly Davidson and lots of others here in canada have adjust the pricing down 'EXCEPT' Yamaha it seems, that sux. looks like about an average of 4000 dollars cheaper to go over the border to buy a new sled, but what's involved in bringing it home? anyone?
Get a bill of sale download the export sheet from the Us Border and fax it in.Wait 72 hours and phone to the US border to make sure everything is gtg. Make sure you bring all your paper work ,bill of sale(to you) title or their bill of sale from previos owner, print off a page where you saw the machine for sale and any other correspondence you had with the seller. Bring all this in to the US side and get a stamp of approval then to the CDN side. Pay the GST and you need a RIV You will also need a Letter Of Recall (LOR).RIV and LOR are needed to register the machine and this must be done within six months of importing it or some one will come visit you.
Dot your I's and cross your T's and it will be a very smooth transaction.
i know a friend of mine that bought snow pro f6 cat 2007 with only 340 miles for 3200 canadian brought it back home to sakatoon saskatchewan. they have lowered the sled prices in my area at the local dealer but still a big gape. pays to go south cash talks go private, could have bought a 2004 viper for 2400 canadian with low miles, that sled up this way goes for 4500 plus. Al Larson
