'00 Vmax blown chain?

Vmax Al

New member
Dec 9, 2004
Farmington, MI
So what could cause a chain to give up? I just replaced the fluid with Amsoil Full Syn. I change fluid every season and this was the third with the Amsoil.

The sled does have 11,000 miles on it so maybe it just finally gave up? Is it typical to need to replace the chain or gears?

When it blew, it put a hole in both halves of the case. Bearings are all good, replaced them last year.

Have it repaired already, but just curious what I should look for as signs of excessive wear? The top gear had one tooth chipped but not sure if it was before or after the chain became many small pieces. Also the bottom gear had a groove about 4mm from the outer edge worn in all the teeth.
I would say a mileage issue,if chain tension wasn't right over the years that'll stress things out and cause premature wear..

it's NOT the oil,,can't get any better then Ams..thats what i use also
daman said:
can't get any better then Ams..

You can if you buy Klotz.

Pretty common to throw a chain after 5000 miles. We like to replace them at that mileage. Costs a ton less than a case etc. maint. is everything with these toys.
yep mine let go at about 9000 miles. I replaced the fluid religiously, but no match for that kind of mileage.
Good to know it isn't something else. I figured as much with replacing as a wear item, should have acted much sooner. Luckily I had an extra case around, as well as chain and gears. Only downer is I lost a tooth on the lower with the one I had around from a 40 to a 39. Hope it doesn't effect performance too much....
Will do... I probably won't be able to get in touch with him until this evening though.

Glad I could help you both out...
