I am going to be painting this thing and changing the color over the summer. But I need a name for it. What do you think i should name it and also what color do you think i should make it?

Blue Hornet
New member
Go black with white/silver strobes. Srx's look awesome in black.
Dave M
New member
I double dog dare you....to paint it PINK!
New member
i like black as well maybe powder coat the metal flat black and the hood semi gloss
New member
Dave M said:I double dog dare you....to paint it PINK!
I can see it now, "you got beat by a girl sled!"
lol pink i was thinking black or red
I like the red idea, havent ever seen a red SRX.....
New member
definately do some painting to the M10 skid.
I think a black & red SRX would look sweet.
I think a black & red SRX would look sweet.
yeah m10 was just put in cuz snow was on the way and wanted to ride
New member
man id leave it like that. it looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick.
name it Bertha.
I havent thought of a name for mine yet either.
name it Bertha.
I havent thought of a name for mine yet either.
Test Dummy
Paint it red and call it Fred..............
M10 is totally getting an over haul i don't know what i should do for a color or if i should leave it the same. i like blue but everyone has a blue SRX
Active member
black gets my vote for color and as for a name, how about Eunice?
Call it the SRX Demon! Or Darth Maul!!!
New member
Red and black with Yellow highlights/pin striping or flames and call it the Trail Demon.
"Hell froze over a long time ago....and then I stole Lucifer's ride!"
"Hell froze over a long time ago....and then I stole Lucifer's ride!"
VIP Member
I would paint it orange,or red. I don't have a good name for it though.
I like allvipedup's idea!!!!!!! Thats it im buying a cheap SRX and making myself alittle project this summer!
yeah that is a good idea black with red chrome lettering or even blue. idk about flames they can look good and they can also look bad. i dont want to do that in fear of it looking bad.
New member
how about Ol'Humper, with that seat (man i like that) it looks like a hunch back.