Dollie Wheels

Pocket Rocket

VIP Member
Dec 23, 2007
Grand Lake, CO
I'm looking for some wheels but most of them are small in diameter and always get stuck unless you have a clean and flat floor. Even the back ones for the track don't really fit properly. Anyone have a set of good dollie wheels they can recommend.
make them yourself

Just go pick up 12 wheels the size you think will work and build your own.I did that for my SRX ,but didn't spend much on the wheels.Bolted them onto pre-cut 3/4" plywood,whatever size you like.Put some old car rubber mats over them and upsidedown and stapled all around the edge.Works great for me and cheaper to make them.I bought a set earlier and they had cheap plastic wheels on them that wouldn't take the weight and movement,so chucked them.This way with the rubber,ski's won't slide off and won't rust the carbides comapred to steel dollies.
