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Track Stud Question **Added Pics**
I studded my 2001 Sxr700 this season with 96 studs. I have a 1" camopslast track fullly clipped, I check the studs last night and I had one stud pulled out. They are Stud Boys Power Points with square alum backers. I looked at my heat exchangers and they looked good.
My question is what do I do, just run it with the one missing? Get it fixed some how? It has a pretty good tear in the the track??
I studded my 2001 Sxr700 this season with 96 studs. I have a 1" camopslast track fullly clipped, I check the studs last night and I had one stud pulled out. They are Stud Boys Power Points with square alum backers. I looked at my heat exchangers and they looked good.
My question is what do I do, just run it with the one missing? Get it fixed some how? It has a pretty good tear in the the track??
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By reading comments on other riders and their studding of tracks,some will say 96 is probably good for trail and safety.But if you are always pinning it,you are putting stress on them 96 studs and they can tend to bend or pull.If you go up to 120 studs at least.you distribute the studs over the same area putting less stress on each stud.Or even go 144 studs.To fix the tear,I don't know about that.Lets see what other riders suggest.So far I have not studded my SRX.Had them on my old track and can't believe that they actually were hitting my exchanger.
Blue by U
New member
Jaysled, first off how new was the track when you studded it, did you tighten the studs to their proper torque, how did you pattern the 96 studs, did you use to long of a stud. All these will play a factor in a stud pulling out. as far as the tearout I dont think there is a fix but to keep a eye on it. I just studded my new 06 Fusion 700 with 96 studs up the middle but after the track had some stretch 200+miles on it then put 50 miles on it and rechecked the studs for any loose or missing. 300 miles later no pulls. good luck
Blue by U
New member
Bluemonster are your tunnel protectors worn out or worn down or did replace the track with bigger lugs and longer studs if so you will need taller protectors
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What are the torque settings?? I just used a ratchet no torque wrench.

Post a pic of your stud pattern and tear out. That will help.
New member
if your sled is modded, it pretty much will need 144 studs, if not more. 96 may be a tad low, although we ran 96 studson the xcr which was 100hp. The sxr700 should be more hp, but the stock xtc700 a friend had was not any faster than the 96xcr. FWIW, we never had any stud pullouts in over 4000 miles on that sled, and it was studded before we bought it with nearly 2k on it.
I run 144 on my 116hp xc600sp, and have had no pullouts in over 4000 miles.
But yeah, the stud pattern does make a difference. post a pic or 3
I run 144 on my 116hp xc600sp, and have had no pullouts in over 4000 miles.
But yeah, the stud pattern does make a difference. post a pic or 3
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You'll be fine just keep an eye on it, I've run studs on different sleds for many years and have had that before.Where you get into trouble is when its ripped right up to the edge of the track or near it, thats when trouble is eminent.Another tip is to watch your backers and if you see them move at all your too loose.Tighten your studs until you feel the backer bottom out on the stud shoulder and then just a touch more, hope this is some help.

You may even want to change some of them to doubles and bump it up to 144. I have had great luck with studs and tracks since I have done that.
New member
If I use the Doubles would that allow me cover that tear in anyway? Also do you think 144 is to much for a Sxr?? Thanks for the feedback.
New member
Jaysled said:If I use the Doubles would that allow me cover that tear in anyway? Also do you think 144 is to much for a Sxr?? Thanks for the feedback.
no, I would not put a new stud in that hole, even with a double backer.
I think you just were unlucky, that's all.
And yeah 144 would be pretty good for an SXR700. it will allow you to upgrade to make more power as well

New member
So if I add more studs should I just leave that area alone or should I just drill a new hole a couple of inches away from it??

I would leave that stud and area alone and just add the others.
Active member
If the hole bothers you get some shoegoo, it will stick and not come out.Funny name but it works.