Calling all mechanics


VIP Member
Mar 12, 2006
Upstate NY
03 Viper with approx. 3500 miles on it. Was on a ride today sled was running great suddenly just shut down. Pulled the plugs. On the center cylinder plug the ground electrode is bent down touching the center electode. The plug color is great (light tan). Cylinder seems to have some compression, just from putting finger over hole and pulling over. Changed the plugs and of course it wont run. The engine is not seized. I can get it to start, seems to be running on two cylinders. I am going to pull it apart soon to find out what happened. I can do the work myself but want to know what could have caused the plug to do that. Ring? Predetonation? I dont think there is a hole in piston. I would just like some ideas before the tear down begins. I know it can be fixed but want to fix the cause.

Forgot to mention running a Tempa flow. Ran it all last year with it 2600 miles. When it stopped today I was not running wot.
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maybe piston skirt broke? went through the transerfer port and got nailed between piston and plug? tear her open, somethings going on.

i was thinking the same as xt700, had a exciter do that. if so make sure to check for pieces in the pipe and base., dont want them to come back and wreak havoc on ya
WE HAVE A WINNER................MAIM is correct, crank bearing is a lovely color of well done toast. Now the question is what do I do? I am a very handy guy and am sure I could do all the work, but at what cost? Do I need a new crank? or do they turn them? new connecting rod? this one looks like its welded to the crank. What is something like this going to cost me to fix or do I part out the sled? Even before this happened the sled was probably only worth 3300 bucks. Talk to me guys.
IMO it depends how attached you are to the sled. If it was my MM700, I would put a new crank in it and not ask any questions. There is a lot to be said for a sled that works.
If you weren't happy with the sled when it was running good, I'd part it.

If my wife got fat, I wouldn't dump her for a slim trim younger model either.
Forgot to mention I was going to ride this sled just one more year. This summer I was going to replace track and all bearings, was figuring about 500 bucks. Now add the engine work and Im looking at 1000. When I sell next year with 8000 miles what will I get.........maybe 2800. So Im thinking cut my loses partout now and probably make the same 2800. The sled is in great condition.................oh yeah except for the blown motor. I guess you have to keep your sense of humor to play this $port.
You can get the crank repaired at a shop that does crank work. Check around for one in your area. Check at several and get prices.
