New member
Hi, I have a 99 V-Max 500...I can't get the wrong belt off. Someone told me to grab the secondary sheave closest to the moter and turn it clockwise and it should open... I tried that but it didnt work..Do you really have to mucle that sheave open? Do you have to have the track off the ground?!?! Oh and one more question how do you tell if a FAN COOLED sled is overheating? I recently let my friend ride my 84 phazer on a rather warm day 40+ degrees and was a little worried it would over heat. AND NO im not installing a temp sensor...I have no mechanical skills..Thanks for all the help!
That is the correct way to move it open, If you have alot of spring pressure it is a tad more difficult. You can also push on the helix with your other hand. Push and twist clockwise simultaniously, it will move.
And no, leave it on the ground. The track will have less tendancy to want to rotate.
And no, leave it on the ground. The track will have less tendancy to want to rotate.
New member
Just hold the brake lever and pull up and forward on the belt and it will split the sheave. Lots easier than trying to open them by turning the secondary.
New member
Thanks^ Up and forward back towards the seat or up and forward to the front of the sled? Any other methods?
Put 12mm socket on a ratchet, place it on one of the secondary helix nuts and with the parking break set tighten the helix nut. You notice it actually opens the secondary for you rather then tighten the nut. Ratchet make it easy because of the leverage.
New member
the large secondary shelve is NOT on the motor it is the rear upper one typically driving the chaincase. Open it as described and force the belt down towards the shaft (centre) and then try and pull the belt off the drive clutch (this is direct on the motor shaft) as this make it longer.
PS: If the belt is of no use to you you can cut it and peel it off.
PS: If the belt is of no use to you you can cut it and peel it off.
tripplec said:the large secondary shelve is NOT on the motor .
Good catch!!! I only read "secondary" - That would explain allot wouldnt it LOL
New member
S.X. said:Good catch!!! I only read "secondary" - That would explain allot wouldnt it LOL
Yeah, I was thinking how could hes pread that sucker. He'd have to be on steroids or something. I had to think about it for a while to be sure the tree I hit last year did not scramble my memory of what it looked like.
He should have it off my now..
Cheers for the vote!!
tripplec said:Yeah, I was thinking how could hes pread that sucker. He'd have to be on steroids or something. I had to think about it for a while to be sure the tree I hit last year did not scramble my memory of what it looked like.
He should have it off my now..
Cheers for the vote!!
LOL, Comprehension was never my strong point. Its actually funnier the more ya think about the poor guy listening to all this good advise and yet turning on the primary in the process.
Sorry PhazerBill, I assumed that you knew which clutch was the secondary.
phazerBILL said:Someone told me to grab the secondary sheave closest to the moter and turn it clockwise
You guys may be right, but he didn't say he was grabbing the sheave attached to the motor, it says close to the motor, which is kind of correct.
You grab the inside secondary sheave close to the motor (i.e. between the two clutches, the only place the belt isn't) and you rotate it clockwise while pushing it backwards. I still perfer the ratchet and socket method i posted above.
New member
Towards the front of the sled. Give it a try, easiest way to remove a Yamaha belt.
New member
Still having a hell time.... Not my clutches but of a Doo's(googled clutch)... Is this right? Is my terminology correct? Where Do I get in with a ratchet?

Yes with the grab arrow. Yamaha secondary is very different, has 4 bolts on the outside. One in the centre and three around that. Put ratchet on any one of the three surrounding ones.
Active member
the clutch in the picture requires a tool to open the secondary and remove the belt.
The tool should be in the pack of tools that come with the sled ...look in the rear compartment
yamyrider said:the clutch in the picture requires a tool to open the secondary and remove the belt.
phazerBILL said:Not my clutches but of a Doo's(googled clutch)
He said they were pictures from google. He's riding a yamaha, but wanted to make sure he knew which was which. And you don't need the tool, it just makes like a lot easier.
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New member
Alright, Ill get a ratchet and throw it on one of those belts and give her a twist clockwise and see what happens!!! Thanks guys!