Help with trailing arm find


VIP Member
Feb 5, 2006
Ballston Spa, ny
Well finally after some hard riding my sled tired a bit. The right side trailing arm caved in. I think it may have had rust inside and been alittle weak. It bent inward slighty but mostly just caved in on itself, like a huge dent. I need a new one. It's a 2001 vmax with viper shocks and I was wondering what other trailing arms might fit this? Viper too possibly? Anyone know? Thanks!
sx, sx-r, srx, MM, pro-action v-max should all be fine. Viper and the newer Ventures have a taller spindle, so you would need the spindle and steering arms to make those models fit but they will bolt on with all the above mentioned parts.
my sled has the tall spindle set-up I believe so I guess I need a viper arm then. Although all vmaxs of this year and newer have the same tall arm/spindle set up too. I dont know if the sxrs do but I know for sure the srx arm is much lower then mine. I'm not sure if a viper arm is different then a tall one like mine or not.. thanks
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My trailing arm has a spindle cylinder end that is 7 1/4" long from top to bottom. The bottom end of it measures 2 1/2" from the bottom of the arm itself to the bottom of the spindle cylinder. It's definitely are long height/travel one.
I just checked the yamaha michrofiche and my trailing arm has the same part number as the vipers (8DM-2382E-10-00) so It's solved now, lol! Thanks!
P.M.T.Yer; viperlover...he may have something for you...tell him I sent ya...cheers
