A bit of bad news for all of us again this weekend with 4 deaths here in Me. 4 others that hit open water and are lucky to be alive...One of the deaths was a repair shop owner up in Caribou that reportedly drove into a car. I had gotten parts from him and was about to order something else...
I hope some of these needless accidents can help prevent some us from having to pay the ultimate price, when we just don't think. I hope that all that read this will ride safe and make it to many more snowy seasons...
I hope some of these needless accidents can help prevent some us from having to pay the ultimate price, when we just don't think. I hope that all that read this will ride safe and make it to many more snowy seasons...

I haven't heard to much out this way this season with snowmobiling deaths.Usually 4-5 every season.But there was one strange one a week or two ago up north.Guy was pulling a person(child ) on a sleigh,so I am thinking he wasn't going to fast.Probaby was looking back to see how the person was doing and then hit a tree and dies.If that was the kids dad that died in front of him,wasn't a happy day for the family and the kid being there to witness everything.I imagine I'll hear about a few more before this season ends.Rivers and streams will start to get soft in the next little while and that is a problem.
New member
Ken: sorry to hear about those deaths. Its never a good thing, but its something that happens every year.
On a positive note it does seem like there has been alot less fatalities and injuries this year in the U.P.
On a positive note it does seem like there has been alot less fatalities and injuries this year in the U.P.
We can add one death more to my original posting. A guy from Mass. hit a tree failing to negotiate a turn. That is 5 in 3 days and 9 total since Jan. I believe our highest yearly was 16 a few years ago. Our MSA and Fish, Wildlife,& Game Dept held a news conference yesterday asking folks to slow down and they are putting more wardens on the trails to patrol til seasons end...
New York
We are having a bad year here in New York too. I think the number is up to like 22 now? I believe that's the highest it's been in at least 5 years. There is sure to be more with probably a month or more of the season to go. Very sad.
We are having a bad year here in New York too. I think the number is up to like 22 now? I believe that's the highest it's been in at least 5 years. There is sure to be more with probably a month or more of the season to go. Very sad.
Active member
There were a couple up here a week ago, the day of a local vintage ride....Alcohal was a factor. I don't know the total up here but I am sure it is not good!!!
New member
Seems like most fatalities envolve alcohol or stupidity or both. Hard for me to feel sorry for those people. But it is a sad day when some freak event takes the life of another sledder.
Viper Treats
New member
A news reporter from Chicago got killed this year up in Wisconsin riding on the back of sled because his buddy's sled died. The driver was drunk, ran off a lake into a tree. The news went up and did an undercover camera stint in the area in the bar and filmed guys getting wasted and getting on sleds. Was just a huge bash job on snowmobiling and bar owners. Wisconsin is now up to 22. Read this link see how many are Alcohol related?...
New member
doodys sled shop reopened today
this repair shop owner was a friend of mine, his name is larry doody, owner of doodys sled shop in caribou, maine. he was on his thundercat just a little before 11:00pm, failed to stop for a road crossing and hit a car broadside at a high rate of speed.the shop reopened today for business and contact information can be found at doodyssledshop.comKen Oberg said:A bit of bad news for all of us again this weekend with 4 deaths here in Me. 4 others that hit open water and are lucky to be alive...One of the deaths was a repair shop owner up in Caribou that reportedly drove into a car. I had gotten parts from him and was about to order something else...
I hope some of these needless accidents can help prevent some us from having to pay the ultimate price, when we just don't think. I hope that all that read this will ride safe and make it to many more snowy seasons...